General Discussion

General DiscussionAfter level 50 trophy.

After level 50 trophy. in General Discussion
when i laf i say, kakakak...

    Is my mmr alr fixed when i achieve level 50?
    I was planning on playing my first mmr game when i reach back to VHS bracket. Is that posible to wait for me to get to VHS bracket
    Before i play mmr game? Cause im only on High Skill. I was thinking maybe i would really get low shits on this one if I start now.

    My plan is to wait for me to climb VHS before i get my mmr even im already level 50 up..

    CUrrent level : 47

    Please no trolls. I know I sound pathetic


      No Just Play Good Play Like 4k you got 4k ok


        Yah just wait i think


          your winrate in high skill is 37%, so you not only dont deserve VHS, but also HS. And most likely u will drop to consistent NS sooner or later.


            And u have esports profile thats cool but i think im better than you i guess i want a team huhu


              sorry but your winrate very low... I think you will be 1 or 2k maximum and you dont deserv HS and VHS


                E sports profile, 39.52% total win rate, normal skill

                I love guys like these.

                when i laf i say, kakakak...

                  @doge, youre a mid player. Im full time supp but in terms of team play yeah Im better than you.




                      So ur a support qop? Dont fool me ur a mid player too xD