General Discussion

General DiscussionThe 8mins ended game picks

The 8mins ended game picks in General Discussion

    How the fuclc to counter the Abadon+WitchDoctor +Luna+VS+NP/LoneDruid fast pushing strategy ? They will go for Roshan before the rune out , after doing the Roshan they push the 3lanes continuously. Usually it takes 8-15mins to end your game .

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          u pick their heroes ez game


            Alice what a genius answer , and then Dota will end up with same 5 heroes in every party games


     . This game we got crushed by it.
     . This game we tried it but couldn't do shit.
              I say that our picks were perfect for them to do that strat. We had literally no way of countering it until I got levels in mystic snake. I also fed FB at the rune, so.
              While they'd got plenty of ways to handle our push. I think the ES pick won them the game there mostly, but other picks were also OK.
              Basically if you didn't expect it and have shirt picks, you're screwed. But if you have some right heroes you should try to draw creeps ago and throw your AoE nukes at them.

              Riguma Borusu

                Basically you need a way to counter push all the time, this means having shit like shadow shaman, ww, etc, on your team, that can counter pushes from a distance, but guess what, they'll usually be underleveled and won't be able to do shit because they're playing for the mid/lategame so they give their carry a lot more exp, which means the carry is level 8 when they are both level 4 at best, and their WD and abaddon are both level 6 and guess what happens at that point? What's a level 8 antimage (oh yes, shit pick) going to do with level 4 shadow shaman and winter wyvern? Pretty much nothing, they're going to go back and try hugging T2s for a while, and then T2s will fall down pretty much uncontested as well. And then you lose the game. You need really strong dual lanes on both sidelanes to at least be able to TRY to deal with this, and you need a mid that can counterpush, it's enough that one lane's T1 falls down quickly, they can just go and push it and then push highground because whatever you've picked you'll hardly have any ability to counterpush if they go all five in and with enough auras and regen they'll just run over you.

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                  You outplay their cheeky scrublord butts

                  lm ao

                    thats so scary


                      @luxon and @oblivion sharing is caring , thanks dudes


                        kotl mb?

                        Dire Wolf

                          Burst dmg, long range wave clear. Invoker and Zeus both seem pretty good and wyvern still clears well at range.

                          Pale Mannie

                            Earthshaker here?

                            King of Low Prio

                              Yea Zeus, undying kotl ect are pretty good to stop the early pushes.

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