General Discussion

General DiscussionQueue times & match quality

Queue times & match quality in General Discussion

    What's your average queue time and match quality?

    15 minutes queue time here, and match quality feel amazing. Every loss feels nice, every win feels great.

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        But whats your queue time?

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          Pale Mannie

            2 minutes queue time and the quality is from predicting and flaming russian Invoker/WR dipshits to best teammates and english speaking enemies worthy of a commend


              3.5 min queue, average game quality


                Generally the match quality is higher the shorter the queue times are, as the algorithm doesn't have to extend it's search range as much.


                  ^the longer the queue time, the higher the mmr disparity might be, but that doesnt necesarily mean that the games gonna be worse


                    Of course the MMR disparity is only one of many factors that determine the "quality"/outcome of a match.


                      i mean, sometimes the games with higher differencein rating within a team are more interesting. there is no correlation here, in any direction (imho).

                      < blank >

                        nvm, this is my winrate over 9 months, doesn't matter what quality