General Discussion

General DiscussionUrsa mid

Ursa mid in General Discussion

    What is good hero vs ursa mid?

      Цей коментар був видалений модератором

        Ranged stuns, also if he leaves lane tell your team to check rosh, 90% of the time he will be there and you get a free kill + aegis


          invoker will poop on you, and OD will super-poop on you. besdies his q destroying your mana pool and hp, you will nevr kill him with just slows cuz friendly bullshit bubble.


            There are exactly 103 heroes which are good vs Ursa mid.


              The answer is always Pudge.

              acc buyers in my team

                i don't see how ursa wins against tide or ogre


                  every hero


                    a simpler question would be: who does ursa beat mid?

                    Miku Plays

                      ^ axe

                      Father Jack from Marketing

                        Last year starting November I picked ursa mid nearly 200 times, hes incredibly strong in that position at my mmr (3k)

                        You need an orb of venom straight away, and skil 3 2 111 6. First item bot then boots.

                        The only heros I had issues with were QoP, Viper and OD. The rest fell quite easily.

                        The only other problems I had were when I misjuged a tower dive or fell behind in levels / farm / got zoned out.

                        Ursa wrecks shadow fiend mid due to his low mobility / hp.

                        That is all!