General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about items on specter

Question about items on specter in General Discussion
U wot m8?

    drums + urn vs van guard + ring of aquila ? whats better ?

    i am at 3.4k mmr and im not supper efficient at farming i have been buying drums + urn every time and i feel like it rly slows me down when farming, i haven't tried van guard + aquila yet but it seems like a better option

    what early game items would you suggest to buy ?

    Ця тема була відредагована

      All the items you listed. Not one or the other ;)


        I answer this, and other concerns, quite comprehensively on my guide:

        It's not entirely complete, and I have yet to add a section on how to properly use Urn, but yes, if you are comfortable using it, go ahead.

        Try to get two of the three you listed IF you have to fight early. Otherwise, the classic Radiance build is still valid in most pub games.

        Цей коментар був відредагований
        U wot m8?

          thanks man that looks like a good guide, very helpful


            Farm Heart or Radiance early. Get dmg from Phase and Quelling during early. Then, get the first 2 + blade mail. Farm for Skadi and Daedalus. End game. Don't forget to consume a Shard or two.

            A waifu a day keeps socie...

              PMS drums urn phase wand into manta -> diffusal/radiance


                pms phase urn drums manta

                Dire Wolf

                  I don't get how it would change your farming either way, they are essentially the same offensives stats, vanguard has built in hp regen while urn uses charges, both have mana regen. The choice should really be if you need to block a bunch of melee hitters or not cus the vanguard build is definitely tankier, while the drums urn build has actives to make it more potent in fights offensively.


                    Manta style is terrific on spectre. It stacks with desolate and also gives flash farming potential with radiance. Overall a great pickup on spectre.

                    King of Low Prio

                      I go phase vanguard then Aquila if I'm forced into alot of fights then radiance manta and split push em down


                        the "badman" manta style only works if you have someone who can farm and has good map awareness. i don't think it is the optimal build for lower skills.

                        get whatever you need to get into the jungle (whether it is urn+charges or vanguard), haunt for kills and rush that radiance.

                        this often occurs in dota - those stomping builds at high mmr aren't necessarily the optimal for lower mmr.


                          for the record, since the dispersion change, i love vanguard into radiance while maxing desolate.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            You can also get the Talon, your damage is minuscule early game and unless you build something to help you clear unstacked camps it's gonna be really slow, iron talon helps with this a lot actually. So if you're committed to farming get it.

                            Dire Wolf

                              spectre probably shouldn't be farming jungle until radiance or yasha.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^a lot of heroes shouldn't be doing a lot of things, but sometimes jungle is infinitely more safe than any lane.


                                  why wouldn't spectre jungle once she has vanguard? she chews through camps easily with desolate and is harder to gank there.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    ^Sure, also, stacked camps are easy as fuck to farm, lvl 4 dispersion (if you're going vanguard), a quad stacked hard camp, and you output so much dispersion damage that you kill the camp pretty quickly, with big hard hitting creeps remaining the last to die, so you get consistent damage output through dispersion, but really, if you're doing this, you'd want to max dispersion over desolate which might not always be ideal.

                                    U wot m8?

                                      tried Van guard + ring and in terms of laning / fighting / jungling its so much better but !!! however mana regen is horrible compare to having urn

                                      seems like urn gives much better regen ? or im trippin ?

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        Ring of basilius gives flat 0.65 mana regen, it's only good up to something like 32 int, and since you get past 32 int pretty quickly, urn is going to scale your regen much better since it's percentage based.

                                        EDIT: Well, fuck, Sampson actually posted exactly what I'm talking about, consider my post a TL;DR.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                        U wot m8?

                                          ahh i see thx !

                                          getting van guard + urn and skipping ring would be ok ? or kinda waste ?

                                          Miku Plays

                                            Treads vanguard tank like u mean it

                                            bum farto

                                              I reminder that you will still get shit on by your own team mates every game so build like you're in a 1v5