General Discussion

General DiscussionViable solo offlaners?

Viable solo offlaners? in General Discussion

    A last couple of solo offlanes I played I was outzoned so hard, I almost could not leech XP.

    With the introduction of the new hard camp opposite of ancients - I think this is a huge benefit to heroes that can clear it easy.

    Also if possible you can pull the enemy hard camp that's close to the lane, but this usually results in the carry and supports rushing at me and outzoning me again.

    I think it's mostly me not knowing how to offlane good enough but I do have some ideas.

    Beastmaster can easily hit ancients + camp with axes on Radiant.

    Centaur can stack the camp and buy smoke and Double Edge.

    I have tried Windranger but she just sucks at clearing the camps.

    I have seen Void players go Iron Talon and clear the camp.

    I played a Clockwerk game in which I was outzoned really badly, but when the supports left I had a nice time vs. their carry.

    Ця тема була відредагована

      Don't forget dark seer with ion shell, who is generally a decent offlaner. Abaddon is in my opinion also viable, but not very good. batrider of course can clear camps. Earth shaker could use echo slam to clear it. And legion commander can generally jungle. These are offlaners i generally like.

      Pale Mannie

        Russian Necro players go dual offlane (wih a high ranged hero) and ruin the lifes of the safelane

        < blank >


          lm ao



            SHINRA TENSEI !!

              if u r afraid of getting zoned out tide is probably the best for u




                  enchantress, ld, void, nyx. latter two get zoned pretty easily tho.


                    I have played treant as an offlaner...though its not the best position for him in this meta. Still, for pubs he has some things to offer:
                    -high hp
                    -high autoattack
                    -invis for escaping/leeching exp (though it would wise to bring sentrys/tangos to deward)
                    -regen/dmgblock with your "w"

                    Lone Druid can easily deal with duallanes

                    Axe can easily deal with melee-safelanes

                    Enchantress for opponents with low nuke dmg

                    Prophet to create some early pressure and be active around the map

                    and many others...


                      How many times do I have to tell you:

                      The answer is always Pudge!


                        Lich. Denies exp and gold. Fast movement speed. Can get an easy kill at level 6.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I was going to say lich too, he's very hard to zone out cus the deny pulls the wave back so far.


                            Enigma? Push/pull at will with your tiny babies.


                              Phoenix can offlane in some cases. With level 3 fire spirits + some autoattacks you can also clear out the hard camp. You don't need autoattacks with level 4 fire spirits so that lets you clear out a whole stack.

                              Once you get tranquil boots + LVL 6 you've gotten all you need to go fight.


                                Yes I have played Lich, I just forgot, didn't think this post thoroughly. I have seen a lot of Lone Druids they work aswell, Legion is nice she actually can survive with her 320 base, her Q and W, and can jungle the camp with E, but still I think she get's more if she's jungle..?

                                Nyx IMO is pretty shitty even tho I like the hero, he should be picked vs. OD and Medusa etc. so he can be useful later.

                                I have seen Abaddons do nice things on off aswell.

                                Tide also seems nice, preferably vs a melee carry.

                                Thanks for your replies.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                Dire Wolf

                                  Yes legion jungle is super fast, you will level up same rate as a mid.


                                    laning legion offlane is about pressuring the safelane, not maximizing your own farm


                                      Windranger is a terrific offlaner. She can clear the camp relatively easy and put up with zoning. Give her a try.

                                      seto my friend

                                        Undying, also pretty legit.


                                          wr is shit offlane
                                          ud should be paired with another offlaner



                                              Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                              Riguma Borusu


                                                What you do with abaddon solo offlane? I've never won a lane with him if I'm solo laning against a dual or trilane, I think.

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  Have I already mentioned : Pudge?

                                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      ^That's what I was afraid of, I hate solo laning abaddon because if I am dual laning with somebody it's like a 95% won lane even with a suboptimal laner, abaddon is so good at running at people and enabling others to do so as well that you can do great things even with a weak laner. Like, I feel abaddon offlane is all about shutting down the enemy carry, if you can't do that than it's kind of useless for the first 10 minutes unless you are constantly TPing around the map saving people or something and not focusing on fucking that melee carry's life.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        against trilane its hard since they can control u enough to finish pre 6 most of the time
                                                        if its a dual lane u just try to leech xp til 3 and trade with enemy support or carry (never both) with shield and 1 point in passive, you will always win the trade
                                                        ideally the carry or support will be pissed by now and leave his partner alone (this sounds retarded but happens quite often) so u can fuck the other guy over really hard
                                                        first 2 min u focus on pulling the wave back with creep aggro and blocks

                                                        even if u dont shut down the carry its fine because aba is a beast in midgame (group as 5 and push, passive is really sick for tower pushing)
                                                        dont forget you can purge disables by activating your ult (if u get hit by mirana arrow just press r and walk away)

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