General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips for me to get in a higher bracket?

Any tips for me to get in a higher bracket? in General Discussion

    Anything useful :D


      Ok I am actually very curious as how do people play (and stomped) so many games and it is STILL normal-high skill pool. Am I missing some calibration or factors here?


        stop playing on south african servers, ofc u only get into normal skill whemn there are only 10 ppl ever playing on the server


          Spam Morphling for Ez mmr. Noobs can't deal with him.


            gUYS every game i find i find 9 new players so what you talking about faw?

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              im almost 56 % winrate and still normal skill I adapt in every game and situation I dont understand...


                I think they changed the Dynamic of the mmr (hidden) it's harder now to get into high - very high skill bracket?


                  no, just dont play on african servers & play better (just keep winning, some day ull get higher skill bracket)


                    im from south africa dude


                      its ok just keep doing what u do


                        IDK about south african servers but clearly I couldn't get into normal pool even if I tried (new acc) ->

                        I can only go normal (pudge game) when I stacked with 3 other normal pool players, wut
                        EDIT: Even lost the first damn game of the account

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                          @middle aged man can i maybe give you items for the account i really want to play in that bracket man i want to improve


                            these normal skill guys play bad and i always carry them :/


                              You dont want to be high skill, every 5k retard is spamming spectre and invoker


                                Dude I want to be there I want to learn from good players and gain their game sense the normal skill players all of them think they are the shit and most are rude and cocky I would really appreciate it if one of you guys can donate me a account i can play on.


                                  keep winning and you'll get there eventually


                                    Ty arin been trying hard I tread swap when i blink with am I do perfect combos. I support good. I'm lost man. I really want to feel very high bracket I will play my best I never troll Im always willing to learn and always will i listen to my team.


                                      @Icearrowkappa I would but it's linked to my personal email so I couldn't. If you're interested just make a new account with a email you can access to, add me up and give me the details, let me play a few games where i'll go in and destroy everyone and hand you a very high skill pool account.

                                      I think you can add me here...?



                                        Swap Commends

                                          Go to the fucking FAQ and stop spam the same shit post


                                            Pick Zeus lol