General Discussion

General DiscussionIs aghs core on Omniknight?

Is aghs core on Omniknight? in General Discussion

    Is aghanims sceptre a necessary item on Omniknight. I obviously see where it would be beneficial, but is it rush worthy? I personally put gg greaves above all else, then I get something like vlads or shivas, then the game is usually over. I don't think I ever got an aghs before.

    Swap Commends

      gg and aghs both win win items for omni


        No don't get aghs on omni get utility items like glimmer, force staff, euls, blink if you have too much money get octa core

        Синячий патруль

          Better dodge aghs. Get lens, glimmer, pipe, force, linken, lotus, eul and even more situational items


            Agree with all who answered before (yes I'm that original). It's just better to have proper mana pool and regen with adds (mobility, invis, crowd control, etc.) and be there to ult when it's needed. I just love when I see Phase - SnY Omni

            U are all dogshit

              Fuck no.


                It depends on the situation. I think mek and arcane boots takes more priority but if ur enemies are mainly right clicking cores, and they don't have several diffusial blades, aghs can be monstrous.

                Imagine omni with gg boots agha and refresher... Killing that team is quite impossible if enemys cores are right clickers.

                Only problem is diffusial blade carriers


                  I play a lot of omni. imo there are 3 main factor that limits omni in team fights.
                  1. mana pool; 2. enemy disable(aoe silence/stun); 3. cast range(positioning).

                  for 1, I always go for soul ring or mana boots, but I prioritize to buy a magic stick/wand first.
                  for 2, If the enemy has lots of aoe disable, rush a eul. Mind that eul also gives omni ~8 mana regen. Ow, rush gg boots. Sometime I'd rush bkb if my team is so behind and I have to tank in the front line.
                  for 3, again, the 40 ms from eul is beneficial. Lens is ok on omni, but I'd prefer a force staff/blink as your repel can not actaully remove stun like abaddon's shield. If your carry is locked down, it would be better for you to force them out or force/blink in the fight and ult/repel. Ofc with agh you dont need to do this, but agh is 2000g more expensive. and does not provide mobility which is key factor for omni.

                  Agh is very op in late game, but I'd build it after at least after a defensive/positioning item (eul/gg boots/force/blink).

                  the realm's delight


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                        Livin' Real Good

                          it's trash, I love how sometimes people in my MMR range STILL fail to use Omni's ult despite it being global with AGS. LOL

                          If you wanna ult, you should be in position anyways.

                          I don't know, it kinda feels like Gyro's ult, you get this weird feeling like you could of bought something better, same with silencer.

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                            Aghs is core if your team expects to be split up fighting a lot or if the enemy's initiators (Void, Tide, Bane, Legion, Warlock etc.) make it impossible for you to be safely near your team. Otherwise, it is not core.
                            Greaves is core only if the enemy has silence against you, but mek + mana boots should be core regardless. Just the 1650 gold isn't always best spent on a recipe.

                            Of course, I hate playing #5 support. I play Omni to counterpick 2k melee carries and play him #2/#3 carry with S&Y/Shiva's/Skadi/Radiance, so feel free to ignore my words.

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                              I think Omni works well with any items (probably I had all of them), so it really depends on your current situation. But if you not sure which item to buy - AghS is the safest choice.


                                ^No, it's not the safest schoice
                                It's not core, only situational. As Most of the comments already said there are items omni needs that gives more benefits then an aghs with a lower price.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Aghs is terrible dude, I don't know if i'd ever build it, refresher is a ton better, costs a lot more but well worth it. Omni aghs needs an upgrade honestly, probably add a cd reduction to like 100 seconds from 150. And if you want people to rush it it should make the duration 10 at all levels kinda how necro's aghs upgrade makes cd lower at all levels to same amount. Only time aghs have ever won a match is in some crazy base race or something when you ult'd the throne or a t3 or something.


                                    You have to stand in epicenter of a teamfight to cast your ult. And you plan to do it twice with refresher? An item that gives you zero survivability?

                                    AghS gives you extra 390 hp, making you that much harder to kill. But more importantly it allows you to stand much further away.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      600 range is the epicenter of a team fight? I didn't say rush refresher. I wouldn't rush aghs ever.


                                        I agree that AghS is situational, I just want to say that other items (except soul ring or arcanes) are even more situational.

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                                          Think everyone is trying to be a bit too cool here.

                                          At an mmr where people don't build diffusals, are all about who can do the most right-click damage and who are likely to be caught out of position on the other side of the map, aghs is game-winning.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            It gives you 2 more seconds of immunity. Do you really need 2 more seconds? You ought to have bursted down their right clickers/whatever in 8 anyway.


                                              It isn't about the extra time, it's about the range and being allowed to use it from a safe position that will also allow you to cast heals and repels and use a refresher.


                                                It also makes it a lot harder for the enemy to disengage and kite out your ulti because you don't need to cast it pre-fight.