General Discussion

General Discussionpudge ulti and slark jump

pudge ulti and slark jump in General Discussion

    recently played few games vs slark and moment i ulted slark to kil him he jump out and stoped pudge ulti is it some kind of bug in this patch or what

    Bad Intentions

      Its widely recognized dat pounce disjoints alot of skillz man :]

      Pale Mannie

        He used dark pact (first skill) before and it purges most disables/debuffs in a delayed time


          Dark Pact

          After a short delay, Slark sacrifices some of his life blood, purging most negative debuffs and dealing damage to enemy units around him and to himself. Slark only takes 50% of the damage.

          Due to short delay between triggering slark Q and its effect being applied it is possible for him to purge hard disable if it was applied after triggering Q.


            Slark with dark pact can even scape from Hex (Scythe of vyse) Reverse polarity, Silence (orchid). Slark can not scape from Reaper's Scythe (necrophos ultimate) and Doom. I don't remember another disable he can't purge.

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              ^ damn. before this i dont know slark can purge hex


                Yes it's kinda imba when you know how to abuse this spell.


                  Slark's Q is pretty broken cus it purges most spell on him like stun ,silence and etc even purges BH and sladar ulti

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Yeah, he probably Dark Pact'd.


                      u were dark pakd.