General Discussion

General Discussion"Ungreediest position 5 hero"

"Ungreediest position 5 hero" in General Discussion

    Guys what is the "ungreediest" support hero/position 5 hero, ie, a hero one can afford to pick with a roster of very greedy 4 other heroes? Obv this hero shouldn't need gold at all and not be too reliant on exp, while at the same time handling the early and mid game and stalling so that the other 4 can reach their true potential (the lineup wud prob be 2-1-1-1 with one jungler, offlane, mid and a safe dual lane but with a hard carry position 1



      you can literally do your job with nothing but brown boots

      great zoner, low cd, can rotate to save, doesn't need items

      any other support like lich/disrupt/aa/wd/lion whatever all need some items/levels

      dazzle needs nothing, no levels, no items and he isn't useless in lane start


        that said this is a meta that favours greed, there is literally no reason to not go greedy unless u have 4 carries and even then u go greedy with omni


          about that, why is omni considered a greedy support? He can do hsi job simply with levels, no? Also where wud wyvern lie on the spectrum?


            omni can play as solo support but desperately needs soul ring and you can't buy all support items for the first 10 minutes, so the start is difficult
            also he can do nothing but leech exp until lvl 3 at least

            i think cm is the best solo support because she can get easy gold from jungle

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              ^but in our greedy line-up we need to keep the jungle creeps for our jungler. or maybe she can hav the small camp


                he's greedy because he contributes absolutely nothing to the laning phase

                basically he can't zone and is helpless against enchant/np/bear or whatever good offlane there is out there

                wyvern is trash now cuz of her ult changes (its not that bad but this meta has very little 'pure' rightclickers) which is why ds isn't that good now as well

                i wouldn't recommend cm much because she's slow and is an easy pickoff against popular meta heroes (zeus/np/spec/invo)


                  Veno, CM, Phoenix, Dazzel, Treant, Omni,

                  But it all depends on what you team wants to go, if you have a Bristle or Tiny then its Wisp,

                  Ive always found that you need to match your carry to play position 6,

                  When you get to 15mins with nothing but 5 iron branches and a tp, but your carry has a radiance and manta then your set for a win


                    Nvm, just realized this was for normal skill.

                    In that case, I recommend Dazzle, Vengeful and Witch Doctor. Not only are all of these supports great as a solo lane support, they possess the ability to save allies with rotations. In the case of Dazzle, he's the 'least' greediest but Vengeful and Witch Doctor can perform without any items while still possessing the ability to snowball.

                    I don't recommend Phoenix, Treant or Omni because this isn't going ungreedy at all. It's super greedy that you're going without any form of disable and proper laning kits.


                      Consider these factors:
                      Mana cost of spells
                      Movement speed

                      A hero like witch doctor has all active expensive spells and is slow so he needs mana boots, so to buy all support items this will be hard to get.

                      Crystal maiden and lion have spells to regain mana but are slow as shit, they need brown boots.

                      So what heroes have decent move speed and no problems with mana?
                      Lich and kotl. Those heroes can buy everything and still be fine, there is your answer.


                        With 305 move speed Witch Doctor is a little on the quick side actually. Seems like 300 is the average base ms. Just make sure you get the heal over maledick, it's just way better, you might need some clarities but you can really get good utility out of it. Maledict is fine if you go solo mid witch doctor I guess but support witch it is useless.

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                          Tusk? He needs 2 levels and his potential is only limited by the person playing him. Snowballing into/out of situations, using shards to seperate fights, slow down those running from a fight. Amazing support. Surprised that he isn't in the competitive scene as much as he was last year. Literally every game in last years International had Tuskar banned or picked.


                            tusk is actually very item dependant


                              Lich really.

                              What's ungreedier than a non-item dependent support who can boost his own levels and has 0 mana problems?


                                ^lich is i guess the best candidate. + armor, +nuke for lane support, +fight-breaking ulti, +creep-control and deny, +infinite mana

                                dazzle is good too. can one make a case for veno? remember its a dual lane we're talking about. i dont think venge wud be too helpful here


                                  Disruptor doesnt need any item at all, ofc ghost sceptres, aethers, glimmers and forces are welcome, but you can easily do your job without them, I just remember a game where I was having insane laggs, trying to reconnect for over 5 minutes, I managed to reconect and all my items were sold, enemies were pushing highground, I tped and had perfect ultimate, we won the teamfight and 2 minutes later won the game, I still lost 25 points but it felt so good :)


                                    lich, also if you focus on his nova and mana sacrifice then you can even just harass the lane.