General Discussion

General DiscussionStacking Auras

Stacking Auras in General Discussion

    I tried to play riki by stacking auras and it did not go so well. Is there any other way to play him besides dagon, eblade and rapier?


      Ok i have made a thread where people helped me with the build a bit. I get orb of venom and brown boots early on into the game, if i am forced to play position 4 i will usualy focus on fights and kills rather than on farming. Sometimes i get quelling blade and blue wards on the start of the game depending on the situation. The item buildup is following: Power Treads>Vladimir's Offering>Diffusal>Gem>Skadi/Abyssal/S&Y>Butterfly/Mkb
      I focus on dewarding the map so im sure the enemy has a hard time finding me and i utilize the build to pick off kills or sneak in a big ult now and then. Using diffusal blade and smoke on somebody usualy ends up in a kill if they are alone no matter what if you keep rightclicking and using blink as soon as off cd. Using purge to save yourself from dust or kill enemies ulted by omni is also good.
      I believe this build usualy works in most scenarios and the only thing that really counters you is when they 5 man with a gem.


        If ur actually serious now, treads diffusal bkb

        Step 1: Use smoke screen on carry
        Step 2: Use diffusal active on carry
        Step 3: Kill carry
        Step 4: Repeat steps 1 through 3 until enemy carry ragequits
        Step 5: +25


          Actualy i think its better to use diffusal first if they are moving and not just afking solo in the jungle as it makes it 100x easier to aim your smoke. But ye that is how you do it.


            Diffusal + sange & yasha on riki will make you rethink your rapier dagon build :p


              Also, no joke, start focusing more on farming on early stages of the game. It should help you a lot on your item progression. Mekansm isn't exactly an item you want on a Riki. You have high armor already. Even a vlads would work better.

              Focus on farm. You will feel the difference. If you're able to kill a whole wave of creeps, it's +200-250 gold for you.


                I noticed you're using a different Riki account. Once you said you had like 5 smurfs or so. Are all of them Riki accounts?


                  No they are not all Riki accounts.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    I dunno, I like Treads, Ring of Aquila, PMS (or stout if i'm a little behind on gold to save time) Yasha, Diffusal blade, Sange, BKB, Skadi? I dunno, fuck that hero. XD


                      Hey i think u r missing the radiance aura. I have tried it with great suces


                        no ur fukt sry