General Discussion

General Discussion50% winrate finally

50% winrate finally in General Discussion
Holy Roman Empire

    Light of hope to get out of normal skill?

    pls be patient very noob ...

      Kirov reportingggggg


        I have 50% wr and im in hs and want get the 4k jump soon


          I had 50%, just lost a match. :'(

          Holy Roman Empire

            @Sit down
            Best game in the world. Sad that C&C melted into irrevelance though.

            pls be patient very noob ...

              I agree. I think it would have been fun to see RA2 given a really serious competetive treatment like SC2. The game just needs some balancing though. Early prism tanks by the allies are just way too strong. RA3 is fun too and has more balance, but the lack of playerpool makes it irrelevant still.


                You have played a lot of games.. I don't think you will get out of normal skill soon.. I have 56% and still normal skill.. The bracket is decided in how you played your first 13 levels( source 1) or 50 levels(reborn)..

                pls be patient very noob ...

                  ^whats your mmr right now? Im only 3.3k and went downas low as 2.8 and still high skill there. Meanwhile my smurf just hit 50% winrate recently and at 3k mmr from a starting 2.5k and still normal skill.

                  pls be patient very noob ...

                    I just lol'ed at your "not league of legends" achievement because I didn't know it existed. Might as well add another achievement that counts the number of times you came back from a gold/exp/kill deficit and resist the urge to call GG and quit.


                      if ur gonna treat abandons as not counting then just abandon every game you're about to lose if pretend to yourself that you have 50% winrate matters that much, which it shouldn't anyway because it's possible to have a sub 50% winrate and be currently rising in mmr if you've been improving in your recent games but haven't won enough yet to tip the scale of your overall matches played.

                      no it's not. you're still normal skill because you're not winning / playing enough games. yeah you have 56% winrate but you don't have many games. 56% winrate means (assuming your winrate is constant) that every 100 games you have a 56-44 record, with 12 more wins than losses and an average mmr change of 25 per game, that's only 300 mmr for 100 games, which isn't a lot considering the time invested.


                        3.8k and above is very high skill afaik, so to get out u just have to climb the ladder


                          loo at all these ppl having trouble with 50% wr xD

                          pls be patient very noob ...

                            ^not everyone starts the game with godly knowledge and skills of the game now, do we?