General Discussion

General Discussion3.3k to 2.5

3.3k to 2.5 in General Discussion
not arcana boy anymore ku...

    feels bad man


      dropped 300 last couple of days, feels bad man too but he seems to raise his mmr :s

      Bad Intentions

        Damn OP, wat happened :O kindly elaborate pls

        S i N

          that's where u really belong


            don't play QOP. if you dont get a REALLY good start that hero sucks. shes <45% winrate for a reason =/

            if you are decent mid learn a strong mid hero and switch to that.

            also you can spam OD and get back that 3.3 in a week.


              play riki and watch your mmr rise slowly

              pls be patient very noob ...

                ^YOU JUST DID NOT...


                  sit down you lil fa**et - Nike said, Just Do It


                    Why riki tho? He's not in the meta. I suggest pickin this 4 heroes. OD,Spec,Sven and Invo

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      Dont rise OP I was 1.6 now 1.8 I will catch up and play together XD


                        Had losing streak too but not this bad

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          Been in 3.3k to 1.9k mmr range. Honestly the worst players are the 2.5k mmr. At least in 2.2k and below you know many of them are just trolls and throwers while some of them in AP ranked are near 4k skill level. I guess the 5 carry logic doesn't stop til you hit 5k mmr lol.


                            3.3k feels bad by itself PogChamp


                              ^ KappaPride


                                You probably don´t belong to high skill tier. Welcome to 2k shit tier :D.
                                Learn to spam meta heroes. QoP suck.