General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy everyone underestimate Puck?

Why everyone underestimate Puck? in General Discussion

    I have a little hurt when someone says like "haha puck useless pick no damage nothing", I mean WAT? Hes ultra maneuver and mobile hero with ~600 aoe damage + silence + good ulti. With dagon u can easy -1 hero. Hes good on pro scene and hes op on pubs. Please tell me I'm not the only one who sees the power of Puck.

    I have like ~650 games on this hero. yes, sometimes hes weak and bad mid hero, but generally puck > everyone except may be Invoker or OD now.


      you have 45% wr on Puck over the last 6 months

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        except that puck>invo in lane but w/e

        (i totally knew this before i asked allison today :horse:)


          Mokujin, well thats because puck is a little teamplay hero (which isnt exist in 4k pub). Check stats, in losses i had like 20 10 35 score.


            since when is kda a better measure of skill in longrun than winrate

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              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                low HP pool, HAS to snowball to win. There's better low risk heroes like tusk, rubrick, pudge now that does better ganking. You're force to gank as mid puck, you can't just stay mid forever like invoker or tinker. Also mid to late game you'll be flamed for only having dagon/blink dagger. When team needs mek/force staff, etc.. Even with the bonus exp and levels you will still die while ganking to lion/lina/undying/necro combos or any two spells of theirs.

                Von Darkmoor

                  Bad scaling poor damage no room for misstankes Also mid is about carry now sadly :/ :(


                    uh maybe because it is a god awful hero that works only when massively ahead of the enemy team where any other hero would do even better but it has 0 other qualities...

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                        kitrak how does it feel to be deleted from kikonis friendlist?



                          Chuyên Chém Lén

                            I used to play Puck alot since DotA 1, it's a pretty good hero to go offlane, a ranger hero which having escape skill, dodge skill, 3s silent, good initiator with dagger. Very hard to kill it when having dagger + eul. I usually owning in offlane but Win or Lose is mainly depend on the carrier :(


                              You underestimate my power ,You underestimate my power...puck Is one of the funest heroes to play with proper skill you can literally avoid any gank unless your silence but youll have euls so it's fine..
                              5man dream Carl 4head Kappa


                                I think he has a low win rate because he takes a high level of team coordination to do well unless he snowballs. If it's an even match you rely mainly on your carry to do damage to them, so carries like Ursa, who are easily kited, do extremely well (especially when he gets ags, 8 seconds in place or 4 second stun) because they are confined for so long. If you don't work together and have good vision then he is very hard to do well with and most of the time you don't have all of those components.


                                  puck is ok, better to have than qop

                                  the realm's delight

                                    this hero owns