General Discussion

General Discussionbest heroes for role transitions.

best heroes for role transitions. in General Discussion

    well, 1 year ago i was a carry player, kind of, but when I went to a higher bracket I was sometimes forced to play support, so what do you guys

    think are the best heroes to take comfort in while learning a new role

    My heroes for transitioning to a support player where shaker , rubick , and support tusk.

    Piguera- @Neoxa

      Rubick is nice if you're fast enought, otherwise you will suck and feed hard. Shaker is nice if you can land good fissures early on, securing kills for your cores. Tusk is nice if you know how to unleash his potential for ganks, otherwise you will just be a guy throwing gelattos on people.

      Try Vengeful spirit, Lich sometimes. Everything depends on what are you planning to do. Are you going to secure farm for your core? Pick a hero who can keep him alive and stack with him on safe lane (Dazzle, Wyvern, Omni). Are you going to gank often? Pick a hero who can roam around the lanes (Spiritbreaker, Bounty Hunter), well, everything depends on what are you planning to do. Even Riki can support, even Tiny can support, even Kunkka... I've done CK support sometimes aswell, which turns into a semi carry if the game goes past 40 min. The most important thing as a support is your presence on teamfights, always carrying a TP will help to keep your team alive and secure some kills.

      The Laughing Man

        First, drop all three of those heroes. Tusk is out of the meta ES and Rub are high skill with es high risk high reward and rubick high risk usually low reward (depends on the skill level of your enemies) try playing lich, who can destroy a lane without even trying, Vengful spirit who can greatly increase her teams damage suicide for a kill or a save on a carry provides lockdown and even reduces enemy damage on death. Also practice with cm, level your w first and stack the big camp cast w on the big creep kill it rinse repeat for easy gold/exp while staying close by to protect your carry or gank the offline all while providing solo exp for your carry.


          How about Ogre Magi ? With some luck, your Q can stun and dish out plenty of damage. The slow from your W can cancel blink and catch the fleeing enemy because of it's long cast range. The E is also nice and very versatile, you can use it to buff your tower when under siege, buff your teammates before teamfight, and even buff your catapult for extra damage on enemy tower.


            Witch Doctor, Omnikight, Ogre Magi, Vengeful Spirit. These hereos are easy to play and have high impact.


              Idk if CM is relevant for your skill bracket, but IMHO she makes a really good transition hero from core to support. She can keep her farm up with just 1 level of frostbite and doesnt need to sap exp/gold from her carries in the lane, her mere presence helps teammates regen mana faster, and her ult has seen quite some numerable buffs in recent patches that I think it's just OP at this point and not too many people realize it. She could be played position 5 and she could very well match the enemy position 4 in terms of farm(something a carry player knows too well)because of her decent jungling game

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