General Discussion

General DiscussionPhoenix Becoming Meta

Phoenix Becoming Meta in General Discussion

    Phoenix in my opinion is a very good hero, and (it's) abilities are pretty easy to get the hang of. I think that in the next patch we might be seeing phoenix played more in 6k+ MMR games. A recent match of mine with phoenix that was really one sided but proves that phoenix is honestly a really good hero if used correctly.

    Dark Hunter

      I got rekt one time by a phoenix every time i came close. It was insane. He was better carry than the carries xD


        phoenix was also a thing, but in this patch he transitioned from pos 3 to pos 4. i dont think his popularity increased, tho.

        waku waku

          phoenix = strong hero, very many damage
          unfortunately he is Super Shit before he gets level 6. and in high skilled games that can easily be exploited to make him irrelevant


            The FireBird can be good, but I'm not sure. Any good team will REK its ultimate. It's just too easy to find and destroy. That said, situationally, very good pick.


              Love the hero. He seems more like a hero that is all about out-playing the other team. I've played as a pos. 3 with a pos 1 Spec a couple of times. We wrecked the teamfights as you can imagine, just WAAAAY too much AoE for them to deal with.
              I am still wondering if anyone would have tips and tricks for him. I've seen RTZ use him a few times in pubs, and I kinda picked up what he does, but if anyone else has GOOD advice, I'd love to hear it.


                The shivas guard popped right after a good ult in a team fight is very nice, And I max W and Q first. Early game you have to play safe though because your abilities will essentially get you killed in close combat.


                  Na, early game use Q only as an escape or initiation tool. I played with a dual offlane (always offlane, sometimes solo), and used Q to initiate and feed off of their support, and then Q to escape if we all dive the carry and force TP's.
                  He is hard to deal with if the person using him has a brain for the hero.
                  Also, getting as early of a Midas as you can is pretty nice. Phoenix benefits quite well from that extra XP and gold.

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                    Best to play the bird is to send into an astral prison. Then Kill Him.


                      I had some recent success with him recently except for my last game where I had morons for safelane carry and support who fed the offlane ursa/beastmaster 7 kills in the first 8 minutes so the game was lost from the start. Other than that won my last 7 out of 7 games excpet for the one where I had to abandon out of rage because of the mid sniper feeding the mid tiny 3 deaths in the first 7 minutes and our "safelane carry" slardar having 14 cs at 10 minutes compared to the offlane huskar having 59 cs at that point etc etc. There seems to be a common theme between having moronic picks and team mates and you losing.


                        1st: Playing Offlane is fun, and I apparently am good at it. Or maybe I'm not good, just everyone else in my games sucks more than I do.
                        2nd: Recently if I lose, its 9/10 because stupid team mates. The other 1/10 is because I rage and mega tilt.
                        3rd: Long live the Fire Bird. I am going to continue to play him as long as I feel I can outplay everyone in my bracket.
                        Currently 6-0 with the bird, and am kind of learning things every game.
                        @OP the point of Shiva's is to pop it BEFORE your ult. The active on that item slows everyone's move speed. Also, its great for farming up creep waves.

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                            phoenix is a strong babysitter for me ... that slow n burn is too much, space created for carry

                            We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                              Bird owns anyone that doesn't have a magic immune ability. Phoenix can still carry braindead people under 5k bracket I'm sure


                                just watch jerAx Liquid rekt EG on shanghai major. 20 mins with only tranquil and wards ez rekt

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