General Discussion

General DiscussionProposed Bloodseeker buffs

Proposed Bloodseeker buffs in General Discussion

    So Bloodseeker is currently the most shit hero in dota. I propose the following buffs to make him marginally playable:

    Readd initial burst damage when you rupture someone (200/250/300) and increase movement as damage from 20/40/60 to 30/50/70.

    Decrease the amount of time bloodrite takes to deal damage by 1 second (from 2.7 to 1.7).

    Increase thirst maximum speed/damage from 10/20/30/40 to 20/30/40/50.

    Bloodrage only deals half the damage amplification to bloodseeker compared to the enemy (so he only takes 12.5/15/17.5/20% extra damage instead of 25/30/35/40%).

    With those buffs I think he could maybe be playable.


      I played BS recently, he seems fine. He has the same issues he always had, but feels far more playable than the BS that existed when I started playing dota. Overall I think he is in the same state as PA, not underpowered, but over shadowed by the OP heros.


        He currently sits at 17th lowest winrate in 5k+ pubs (ie closest to competitive). Even in <2k pubs where people run around solo and don't just tp out of rupture ganks, and indeed will literally just run and run when they are ruptured until they die - seriously, it's hilarious to watch as soon as they get ruptured they start running as fast as they can rather than stopping - even in that skill bracket he barely breaks 47% winrate.

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          They removed the burst damage on rapture mainly because of the Dagon/Force staff combo of the old bloodseeker.

          If valve decided to do your "buff" on bloodseeker, damn he will be OP.

          Blood Rite huge AOE, long cast range, pure damage, long silence duration and you still buff it, casting time to 1.7 sec? Imagine a stun from CK, 2sec stun and you'll surely that skill.

          Thirst maximum damage increases, are you kidding? Do you know bloodseeker MS can increase more than 522 and the damage bonus stacks for every enemy hero below their hp threshold?

          Again, bloodrage buff. Half amplification damage for bloodseeker but thr damage bonus is still the same? With helm of dominator, you can toe to toe against any carry. If you rapture (-300hp), bloodrite (silence plus dmg), activate blademail, PROFIT.

          Bloodseeker is not position 1 carry. His mainly a ganker/initiator and his role are usually catching slippery heroes like ember, clinkz, SF, puck. With his silence and global awareness he is very useful.

          BS is pretty much balance in todays patch.

          After I see you bloodseeker games (which is very impressive, so why buff?), Try building blademail on your bloodseeker. I know you play a lot better than me. In my skill bracket (Normal/High skill), they build BM and its very annoying for me.

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            And P.S., first item Radiance on Bloodseeker is a nightmare.


            Cobrex :c

              I dont know exactly what you're talking about there Murranji, bcuz im 1.3k lvl 67 and nobody ever fucking does that ...


                Top 30 bloodseeker and sitting around 800 games. Can confirm blood is trash and needs a buff since he has no place in dota atm since every potential role can be done better by another hero. Cba going into why but hopefully we get a small buff or rework next major patch.

                Цей коментар був відредагований
                Von Darkmoor

                  ^ guess you shouldnt have spammed him when he was FOTM then you wouldnt be so sad now when his balanced.
                  As some body allready said overshadowed by the op's.

                  Try new builds or new way of playing instead of blaming balance when you fail to achive FOTM impact.

                  Try going sappart very Nice vs invis heros and The damage buff is extrmly good on Zeus Pugna etc . Silence Also very Nice in high grund fight and with magnus/tide/vacum/Enigma etc.
                  Agi is not =carry
                  Int is not = support
                  Str is not = tank
                  If you are one of those People then go play lol or hon if you are one of those People then you prover love the retarded Ursa change completly fucking up his uniqueness and balance.

                  lm ao

                    Pls delete bs

                    Pale Mannie

                      FOTM = Fucker of the meta?


                        I liked him alot before they made him boring. The perma silence when maxed q was alot better imo


                          Balanced. Roflmao. Across the whole of patch 6.86 he has a 42% winrate in 5k pubs. 4th lowest winrate overall across the past 3 months. <2k pubs (where he is meant to 'pubstomp' has 46%).That's not balanced - it's game losing. Like you are stacking the game against you everytime you pick bloodseeker.

                          Suggesting him as a support? That's like my Aether Lens/Octarine Core/Rod of Atos build and that was an obvious shitpost to highlight how shit the hero was.

                          He is a carry and has a carries kit except he falls off late game to almost every other carry. His only way of winning was to pressure and snowball and stay ahead of the enemy carry(s), and now since he doesn't get any extra damage in the laning stage he has no way to establish that early game. Since Icefrog doesn't undo past nerfs but changes other things instead he needs to buff Bloodseeker's other skills to such a large degree that Bloodseekers late game is significantly boosted.

                          Not stupid shit like a 5 second cooldown reduction on a skill which doesn't even hit the enemy hero half the time anyway.

                          The Laughing Man

                            your buffs would make him broken, his ult is to keep someone in place if it doubles a way lol and if u did want to change the silence to 1.7 seconds (same as sunstrike) the radius would have to be reduced severely or the dmg/silence time, also maybe if it only affected one hero
                            like maybe it only silences if it hits person who is ruptured or something like that


                              I agree that BS is junk now and needs a change, but the bloodrage change you mentioned is dumb. The increased damage he takes is part of what make him fun/ not braindead