General Discussion

General DiscussionI read this post about 0.5k mmr players

I read this post about 0.5k mmr players in General Discussion

    "They prioritize wrong things.
    Roshan = Win Dota Syndrome
    Some believe killing Roshan will ultimately lead to victory under all conditions. They will attempt Roshan solo with some impossible Heroes like Rubick or Invoker at level 10 or when the game is clearly not going their way only to end up failing. When these players are in close proximity to Roshan they will persistently Ping the location asking for help at most imprudent times with no Wards resulting in a wipe to those willing participants. Fascinatingly, their mental condition will prevent them from recognizing this mistake & they will go on to another game doing the exact same thing over and over again.
    Tower = Win Dota Syndrome
    Some believe the game is ALL About Towers so they prioritize Towers over everything else. They will proceed to push Towers like nobody's business since Level 1 on Heroes like Riki or Zeus. If a fight ensue and they survived there will be 2 options that they strictly follow:
    (1) They have Low HP = Run back to the nearest Tower and DEFEND Until Death or Lane Enemies disappear then start pushing again (Without going back to heal & ultimately resulting in Death)
    (2) They have High HP = Keep pushing until another fight ensue (likely with them having no Mana) then repeat the same loop
    This is a very smooth way of feeding. I was wondering how some people feed so much without their team's discontent - this is it. This is how they do it. It seems they are helping. It seems they are trying. But it will also make sure they silently go At Least 1-10 every game doing it."

    I haven't encountered this, only encountered kills = win dota syndrome

    lm ao

      Really nice read

      I can definitely recommend


        man im sure u're a nice guy and probably can talk about some fun stuff, but noone will read this shit tho


          Yeah this thread was the inspiration behind first this account -

          Problem is despite my best attempts, often feeding 10-15 kills, donating gems, wards and rapiers, my team would end up winning anyway based solely on the comeback gold which would inevitably result when the enemy, somewhat elated by their early lead would inevitably take bad fight, dive solo against two heroes under tower etc etc. Eventually I ran out of patience before I got to ranked and just decided to start crushing people. I also got sent to low priority a few times because of the reports.

          Then I started again with this account -

          Decided on a different approach. Instead of outright feeding I just afked. Initially as riki since you could just sit in mid lane and tab out, after towers started falling though you had to be more active and move command the hero onto the wave of creeps which took more effort. I eventually just switched to picking necro, going to the jungle and afking, buying a shadow amulet and then just sitting near a respawning creep camp. This alllowed you to tab out though sometimes I ended up getting abandons because I got killed (every zeus at this skill level goes aghs refresher without fail).

          I was maintaining a winrate of around 37%, had an average gpm of 230. Was sure I would get sub 1k mmr. First calibration match was an average of 1400. Was so salty when I got that. I also don't have the patience to grind my way down from 1500 mmr to get to 500 mmr.

          EZ MID 9k mmr
            Цей коментар був відредагований
            Venus, MBA

              Something I noticed from my time in minus 1k is that teams love to have a 5v5 standoff in midlane for 5-7 minutes and get nothing done.
              They tend not to carry tps and the ones that do always panic and everyone tps to a tier one tower to save it.


                Tower = Win Dota

                Well if you didn't get 0 tower damage you would win