General Discussion

General DiscussionNew kind of throw

New kind of throw in General Discussion

    Been playing for a long time, but this has never happened to me until now. It always seemed that beyond the trash that many people are, wanting to win always prevails, so it was kind of mind blowing to have a huge lead, great teamplay, and suddenly OD decided things must change. Sells all, buys devine, feeds it to enemy, go afk. He is just 1 from a party of 3.


    WTF?! Has this happened to you ?


      It can be worse

      Right after SF using tp, i relocate him to the darkest of the wood, he was silent and then tried to send tp scroll by courier but i always drop it. Few minutes later he removed due to inactivity, safe to leave, game counts and blabla... but he can still chat

      Today i found out he still in low priority pool, win 1 of 7 of his unranked single draft games.

      I was smiling

      what do you think?


        I've done it before.

        But ONLY if it's everybody in the team that I have an issue with. I don't do it if theres an innocent party because I've been that guy over and over.

        Seriously, sometimes when I threaten to throw and they respond all confident that I won't like "go on throw :)", I throw the fuck out of the game just to mess with them. Then they start panicking and spamming all chat REPORTPOREPORTREPORT.

        BECAUSE MATE, I'M confident I can get this 25 mmr back easily, idk about you


          I'm confident that tards like you should get BSOD every time they open they PCs. This kind of stull is fine and dandy in normal mm, but doing it in ranked is simply.... retarded. So I guess you fit the description.


            you fucks spoil the game. and you have the cheek to come here and brag about it. fucking 5 year olds.


              ur not a SEA players btw, cuz this happens every weeks. this is my yesterday match.

              so dun cry, just stp and play cuz shits are everywhere.


                Yeah i rather lose 25 mmr than give a win to an asshole. I am a patient player, and not always doing that, but all of our team said report sf and im sure they all did report him, im just make sure he go to that lp. A single abandoning game wont make him go to lp right? but he was.

                Im very satisfied with this

                  Цей коментар було видалено
                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Calm down satan


                      Neah, he deserves a squish, just like a bug...


                        ive met similiar situations in sea server. that's the reason why i decided to come over to china server to play.

                        Swap Commends

                          I have done the same as OD u know why ?
                          Bcuz team were throwing the game,didn't want to push and solo feeding,creating comeback window for enemy.
                          Funny is,they said we don't need u,we can win as 4.
                          So I served justice.
                          Mb u have done the same


                            ^ excuses for spoiling a game. interesting.


                              Holy fuck what kind of bastard you need to be to throw like this when your over 1k, like thers no reason, just because you're mad baby rager?

                              waku waku

                                that sharp pain you felt was his intellect


                                  Considering the trash that play ranked in VHS nowadays, pain is not an issue anymore, just mind blowing, I really hope this kind of people sell all their stuff in real life and gives the profit to charity, cose they don't deserve any of it seeing how their brain works.

                                  {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

                                    Ok I did it many times. One time I got 3 rapiers just cause rubick (he rushed a dagon so he could ks ) didn't want to give me 1 fucking ward.
                                    Few times I was very angry and tried to thrown, but didn't even had the chance cause my supports stop me. Remember most epic words, I was slark and had 2 idiots in team that we flaming as shit. I always announce them I will throw and in what conditions, and when they say go on I go on. Anyway this guy who played as lion typed just, my god 1 hour wasted, at least u had some fun playing carry, I had to play hard support. Those words made me give up my plan, and after I got aegis we end the game like in less then 10 min. instead of flaming you can fucking stop and start focus on the game and winning, and I can asure u nobody will want to throw the game.


                                      I don't know.

                                      People who throw TEND to have a reason they throw. Honestly, noone queues into a game to intentionally lose. It's usually people with no social skills whatsoever that spam Well Played! or noob mid/carry/sup that baffle me. How are you people genuinely surprised when people throw?

                                      From the way you've been responding, I can tell exactly what type of person you are lol. The very type of player that ends up instigating people to throw but get angry when they actually do.

                                      And what's wrong with throwing? Excessive throwers get reported and punished away. Why am I obligated to try to win for dumb rude fucks like yourself who at the end of the game, will probably attribute the team's success to themselves??


                                      I don't know why I'm even entertaining you rofl, I probably won't respond in this thread anymore.

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                                      Jake Clawson

                                        If you throw intentionally, you show some kind of incapability to deal with other people. Don't like a certain person? Mute them. Move on. Don't whine and then ruin it for four other people by throwing. I agree, some players are completely stupid, but you still want to win. Thew still want to win. That's part of Dota - dealing with people who you don't like and moving on. And sure, -25 MMR might mean nothing to you, but not everyone wants to spend the best part of an hour trying to win only to have it all blown away by some impulsive player who can't locate the mute button.

                                        Swap Commends

                                          What @namiseooooom said.
                                          "Excessive throwers get reported and punished away" but those get pissed off by teammates will do anything to make u lose.
                                          I barely throw (like this type),but when I do,it's for those who can't win and start throwing & solo feeding a dominated game.

                                          "When the team goes full retard throwing,you try hold them & help team not to throw,but when they don't listen & start acting like a cock,that's where you buy rapier & go retard with the rest of the team to insure they lose hardly with a huge pain.Maybe they learn not to that anymore.They can't win because they don't want to,so be it"

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            yea man .... story back to ytday game , im using bara ... early gank is effective and we r winning ... 30 mins game we brk mid lane until throne, enemy hv am n np which keep split pushing , then i ask my team for sod gank and end the game .... but my teammate is def side way for few mins and happy farming with lane pressure ... im like wtf and afk for a smoke (knew this will be a comeback game) , am is farming until 40+ mins he got heart and turn the game .... bye mmr , ppl is stupid enug to drag game when they can easily win at 30 mins time ... am is unfarm and prophet split push is ntg ...

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                              @Jake Clawson, true words. People that here we called "dumb tards", meaning those that for absolutely no reson spoil the fun of 4 other people who are here to enjoy the game, those "intentional throwers" are incapable of dealing with other people, I'm pretty certain they must be some sort of cave-men who imagine reasons for them to be destructive towards other peoples work.


                                                If you encounter a thrower and can't get over it, you show some kind of incapability to deal with other people. Don't like a certain person? Report them. Move on. Don't whine on the internet over an experience that doesn't happen that often. I agree, some players are completely stupid, but you still want to win. They still want to win. Convince them not to throw by baby raging like OP, make plays and swing tides. I personally for real have convinced people NOT to throw by showing the path to victory with my plays

                                                not spamming all chat REPORT THIS GUY like op

                                                That's part of Dota - dealing with people who you don't like and moving on. And sure, -25 MMR might still happen no matter how hard you try but at the end of the day, you would have at least avoided preventable scenarios which should be your ultimate goal since you dislike throwers.

                                                LOLOLOLOL DON'T YOU FUCKING GET IT, OP is the exact kind of shithead that causes a majority of throwers to exist anyway. People like him are the reason I decide, you know what? fuck you.

                                                Seriousy, Jake, you seem like a sensible guy unlike OP so you should understand that complaining about things out of your control is utter idiocy, you should instead be focusing on what you can do. Heres an example, I don't like my country's standard of living. Do I whine on my ass all day on the internet on how shitty the gov is or do I work harder so I earn enough to live a comfortable life? Which sounds like the mature and realistic option?

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  LOL, close minded much ? If you don't like thieves, report them to the police, get over it! Right...
                                                  The example in this topic is completely uncalled for, its simply someone, who at one point in time decided to throw, without any motivation what so ever...
                                                  And the government example... :)) omfg. So if the government steals out of your pocket, you just shut up, work harder, and get over it, without trying to voice out the need for a new government? People like you are whats wrong in this desolving world, people who just stand by while shit hits the sealing.



                                                    if all you're gonna do is whine on the internet like a baby, then yes I'd prefer if you'd suck it up. if you gather up people, petitions and start a movement, that's another thing. what you're doing is like a employee bitching about his boss to his colleagues, does nothing and shows how you have no control over your emotions and your lack of maturity

                                                    and being closed minded is exactly what you're doing, refusing to acknowledge that you may be a cause for said throwers and that games with throwers might still be winnable 4v5 or by convincing them not to throw

                                                    besides, someone who throws for NO reason is an extremely rare case, its like whining about all car drivers in general when that ONE guy does illegal parking and yeah don't give me that crap, you were clearly hating on ALL throwers in your later posts

                                                    what you're essentially doing is the same as 2k 3k plebs whining about 4 retards on their team, do you know what everyone on this forum tells them to do? suck it up

                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                      people like you are why the world is so full of hate

                                                      the exact reasons mobs occur

                                                      when people can't control their emotions and end up turning more vile than the thing they hate

                                                      the reason why the government has to be so careful with every move because one mistake, the people go apeshit on them (ever wonder why not enough $$$ is allocated to the needy from taxes?? the government can't do it because they're using it on keeping the GDP up, maintaining the public image and etc otherwise bigots will vote them off)

                                                      like managing a bunch of children, trying to achieve your goals while meeting their whims






                                                        There is one simple reason I cannot stand game throwing fuckheads.

                                                        1. Time.

                                                        An hour spent playing Dota is and hour I could have spent doing literally anything else. Any working class adult will understand this concept. Because of this I'd be willing to bet that majority of the throwers are a bunch of kids who lack respect for other peoples time. I dont care what your problem with your team mate is, fucking mute him. You can easily just abandon the game yourself, and both parties win. But no, you would rather be childish by spiting the rest of the team with your arrogance, even if there might be someone on the team who is not even involved.

                                                        Please realize that if this is you, you are a special strain of cancer that spreads far further than just the realms of an online game. You are actually a pos irl, and at some or other point in life your attitude is going to get you dropped like the sack of shit that you are.


                                                          These kind of throwers are similar to a child in a store that is being denied candy, so he goes and ransacks the shelves so he can inflict damage to all those around him. The difference is, that in this game, u cant just take him out and teach him a lesson...

                                                          You are not teaching anyone a lesson by throwing a game that all your team mates strive to win, you are just causing frustration, nothing else. Its sad that sooner or later this kind of screwed up personality will reflect in real life somehow...

                                                          Von Darkmoor

                                                            Keep your throwing to the ranked fucktards please leave my sweet cm alone.

                                                            Also most times People throwing in reaction to something other players done and most of the time its The Whiney Child in solo mid that does it can be a simple thing like not being able to handle lane not having map awarness or not spending that 75 gold on a ward to win the lane just cause of a retarded principle. People dont seem to understand that in an all carry game none will be will in to but a ward for you so you better do it urself.


                                                              Throwing is efficiency right, but yeah its need accuracy.

                                                              Yo grumpy People never learn