General Discussion

General Discussionevery time i lose i get retards

every time i lose i get retards in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    how is it that every time i lose its because of getting idiots who don't know how to play?

    lets take my last game for example. I was tiny... and i destroyed the other team single handedly.

    Because of this i made a crap load of space. What do my carries do? oh they proceed to one not farm and two make useless items.

    54 minute game. my spec has only diffusal and manta. my np had 3 mjolnir's.. WTF

    i hate you all

    Sergei Kalinka

      U didnt carry as hard as that Jugg tho, Who even knows. Maybe u fed a Godlike to him? we cant tell by the match stats.


        Dude sometimes you get terrible bad players and u can´t win. Just try to play more support. I think that support is key to victory if nobody from you team want a support. I am supporting mostly last games and i am winning a lot.
        But if you get carry noobs, you will lose for sure.
        On time i got Jug and OD who made first item aghanim and we lost so hard.

        A lot of guys don´t understand that supporting is not only about buying wards, but you have to keep you carry alive. So healing + stacking will help a lot. Also healing during farming is a huge benefit.

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        Granite Lee

          yea i did feed a godlike. because it was 1v5 dumbass. and yes i carried. i how much space do my useless carries need? my spec basically had free farm for 54 minutes and he had only 2 items... like when i hard carry. 54 minutes i would at least have 400 last hits and close to if not 6 slotted.

          i would support if i can trust which is never. at least if i carry i have a better chance to impact the game.
          and i actually enjoy supporting so when i do stack i do support. not in pubs. maybe in ranked.

          no.. its actually about securing kills early. which means giving the other mid a hard time in lane. so that your mid snowballs easier and not the other. if you're smart a kill leads to more kills. Good players know how to support well and carry well. like i can play every role pretty well. there should never be a time where a player can blame it on just having a bad game because this is a game which requires a brain. so if you have a bad game.. its obviously that you aren't using it. which proves to your whole team that you're an idiot


            You are right...playing mid has high impact on your game. If you send noob to mid, the game is over. Good is to take a look at stats of your team mates if somebody at least can last hit. After that you can safely pick support. If not, you have to go mid or hard carry, if somebody can baby sit u.
            The worst scenario is when all your team mates pick hard carry...and mute communication.

            lm ao

              Its the system doing its job to segregate the good from the bad

              Granite Lee

                No. Its just too many retards play a game meant for intelligent people

                lm ao

                  Alright, you win. Now go file a multimillion dollar lawsuit against valve for massive racketeering of teenage edgelords and for the oppression of highly intellectual players like you. Keep us in touch! :)


                    Don´t blame retards and trolls in your games...if they want to mid, just let them mid and don´t argue with them. Game will be even worse. I won many games with retards, because i let them what they want to do.
                    Some games you can´t win, because your team mates are feeding like hell. It is strange that some games are paired with winners vs losers. Don´t understand this algorithm.