General Discussion

General DiscussionRank confusion

Rank confusion in General Discussion

    hey i just recieved a month of dotabuff plus and im quite confused about this whole ranking system. However is there any way to find an overall ranking ? if im clicking on "Plus" they say im having 79th highest score...79th highest score based on what ? 79th place on diamond diviosn? hope somebody can help...


      Sorry for the confusion here!

      Rank is calculated based on all players (not just your division), and can be shown as either an absolute rank (ex. "79th") or a percentile (ex. "79%"). A "79th" rank means you're the #79 ranked player on that hero. A "79%" rank means that you're in the 79th percentile of players on that hero. Hope that helps!

      < blank >

        Jason is a Team 79 fanboy EleGiggle


          if im clicking on it says "you have the 79th highest score," its doesnt tell me of which hero nor i can see the whole ranking....i rly dont get it


   - you can see a summary of your hero rankings there. and then see more on the actual hero ranking page.

            You're really good at tiny :)


              How does your ranked vary from normal to very high skill?!


                Maybe also include a category for the ranks in each division?


                  He probably plays sometime in party, it happens if your teammates have lower mmr than you


                    @lawliepop i get the summary of the hero rankings, but unfort i dont undestand what the " the 79th highest score" means, im 400th place with tiny but i dont have a hero that is placed as 79th.


                    @Kratos sometimes im playing with my firends who are 2-3k mmr, thats the reason why im "normal skill " in some games.if im playing solo im vhs.


                      That's the default image everybody sees... 4Head


                        @goldy ok thanks ! i searched like a retard for that xD


                          The only friend you have played with in a week is "Hazen" .. He isn't there in the Medusa game..


                            @ kraton, no if u look closely to all normal games tere is my friend called IRON or stewie :)