General Discussion

General DiscussionHow Many Hero Pools You Have to Confidently Played In Ranked?

How Many Hero Pools You Have to Confidently Played In Ranked? in General Discussion


    Which means you dont need to think about skill build or item build its just you know what to do next.

    Supp: Witch Doctor, Crystal Maiden,Lion, Bounty Hunter, Warlock, kotl, Shadow Shaman
    Offlane: SpiritBreaker, Techies, Necrophos, Tidehunter,NYX
    Mid: OD

    Carry:Weaver, Sven,Wraith King

    Mine is pretty str8 forward heroes..

    Ця тема була відредагована

      like 95

      Fee Too Pee

        4 - 5 lol




            5 signature heros
            20 conference heros


              1 bitch


                ur development as a players in these terms goes in several stages
                1) you have to think about what to build
                2) you dont think about what to build
                3) you learn to think about what to build again

                higher level of understanding of game mechanics is followed by higher versatility in itemization decisions, because you dont follow the paths, making you own ones instead.
                to get to stage 2 u need 2-3 games, as long as u r somehow good in the game, and unless the hero is mechanically unusual, like meepo or es. to get to the 3rd level, u need a very high general skill and/or hundreds of games on a hero.

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  1 - Riki is good enough for me


                    21 all supp


                      Anything between 10 and 20 should be great I guess in any skill bracket, as long as u analyse ur own losses and relate it to ur item build and decision making around it ur doing the right thing and also doing what Triple said in a way.

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        If you're really good at 1 that's good enough.

                          Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                            you don't need more than 10 tbh


                              i counted 107 conference heroes, 42 are comfort heroes, 15 are signature , 4 i hate


                                I love the offlaner role so maybe 5-7 trying to keep a small hero to get to know them better and eventually add more heroes to my pool

                                Mors tua vita mea

                                  Im reading this and im suprised. Most people plays several heroes. And most players are good mmr because of playing with few heroes. I can play like 50% of dota heroes in ranked. Maybe its because i played dota 1 for few years.

                                  Miku Plays

                                    I only know one hero but I can play at least 12 more heroes

                                      Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                      Herald Pride

                                        3 heroes

                                        lm ao



                                            These 5 hero pool mmr grinding tryhards..
                                            Random, always. It's about fun. And if you want to ask why do I play ranked, well because I am sick of retards abandoning after 0-2.
                                            I have only ever abused heroes when playing against other hero abusers, to teach them a lesson. Winter wyvern was fun, so was undying.
                                            Hoping one day we get to the point where every hero is viable, not "meta" heroes.


                                              8-10 carries , 10+ ganker ... 0 supp


                                                like 10 heroes

                                                Mr. Nice Guy

                                                  all of them. you dont think about item build,u just need to be naga:


                                                    All except Meepo and Chen. I'm not exactly good at microing creeps with skills but I can use Illusion ones quite well.


                                                      Signature about 5 to 10
                                                      Rest of them,about 30 heroes,I do ok with it,but not super good


                                                        I study dota 2 like how I studied maths in university.

                                                        Basically if you go to demo mode, and use gamepedia wiki on dota 2, learn all aspects of the games, hero specifics, like what's basic dispel, strong dispel, and rmb which skills can be dispelled and which skills are auras (non dispellable), and learn all the mechanics

                                                        then i can confidently say that you will be able to play just any heroes in ranked and still do well.


                                                          Maybe 90


                                                            Also people saying they have signature heroes are funny lol.


                                                              i have a signature hero, so what


                                                                Im pretty sure you can climb in all brackets without playing more than 3 different heroes.

                                                                Actually who am i kidding you only need to know 1 hero as long as its a meta-cancery-AIDS hero.

                                                                < blank >

                                                                  We all do


                                                                    I don't agree with Defiance.

                                                                    yes that works...just play one hero and know the inside out...but what if someone has picked it?

                                                                    What if the lane has been picked and you have to switch role?


                                                                      just saying


                                                                        Time to learn spec for me and spam


                                                                          Yo defiance you went from ns to vhs how long?


                                                                            About 70% of all the heroes, I think.


                                                                              @sunshine it took me probably 1k games before i wasnt in normal skill. I have almost 10x your games played and im sure im not 10x a better player, just spend more time learning the game, not necessarily spamming games. I spent 2 years thinking meepo was OP before i even checked his overall winrate on a website.


                                                                                I can play all supports at my best except IO lol.

                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                  If your signature hero is a meta hero that's just being a meta spammer. Like Ursa mains and Sniper mains for example.

                                                                                  But having a signature hero not in the meta is applaudable.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    You should think about your builds every game, they shouldn't just be automatic. I think you should qualify the question though. Like what heroes are you confident to pick to win games or something.

                                                                                    I'm confident enough to probably play 30 or so heroes, like I randomed tusk a few games ago and we lost cus our retarded naga with free farm for 30 minutes had no items, but tusk is a pretty easy hero to get the hang of. I'd easily play him again. Or viper. Easy hero to play, I know what to do. But I wouldn't normally pick either of those to win games. Or like PA. I can play PA. I won't pick her to win games. Sniper too, he just sucks right now.

                                                                                    And then there's some heroes where I feel like I know what I'm doing but my win rates are still really bad, so I guess we have to exclude them, like slark, jug, ck, lifestealer and doom. Naix just seems too weak for a few patches now, I usually play fine on him but always lose. Jug and slark I think I play fine but I am awful and knowing when to take fights on them and when to just farm.

                                                                                    So that leaves maybe a dozen heroes in the end.

                                                                                    Carries- wraith king, medusa, sven, spectre, necrophos, dragon knight, LC, gyro. Ck, razor and TB situational picks.
                                                                                    Supports- jakiro, lich, ogre, lion
                                                                                    Mids- not many, I'm bad at mid. Dk maybe.
                                                                                    Offlaners- tide, bristleback

                                                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                      @Dire Wolf even I think about my builds every game!


                                                                                        About 25


                                                                                          "I spent 2 years thinking meepo was OP before i even checked his overall winrate on a website."

                                                                                          what are you talking about, meepo WAS op, it's just that people didnt know how to play him

                                                                                          once people realized and started learning him and spamming him, icefrog decided to nerf it


                                                                                            @dire wolf what I meant by automatic is you could adjust skill and item build in every game...

                                                                                            If you play that hero a lot of course you can adjust skill and item build..


                                                                                              ez just have a smurf and destroy lower skill bracket players.. u can practice there and even have a great game with any hero cause its all about game knowledge and mechanical skill.. u can throw some teamwork there but y would you, its fucking solo mmr foe godsake :3

                                                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                @sunshine I can play Riki very well but I can't adjust skill and item build.


                                                                                                  @ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! my riki is way better than yours but u somehow taught me that divine is part of rikis core items

                                                                                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                                    Ember, Tusk, Witch Doctor, Faceless Void, Invoker, Lina, Juggernaut, Gyrocopter, Earthshakira, Broodmama and obviously OD. (overpowered douchebag)