General Discussion

General DiscussionJunglers, The horror story

Junglers, The horror story in General Discussion

    So lets start with the picking stage, mind you this is a random draft ranked game and the enemy team has picked a viper , windw, spectre, silencer and Es. So in my mind im like fuck me , the only available mid i can really go for in this random pick is razor , and i dont want to go razor vs viper. Fortunately they dont see this weakness and put me vs wind runner which i do prefer vs a viper. Now lets get to the story ,my team picks , a razor, beastmaster, lich , morphling and ogre magi. At this point im like maybe theres still hope left, we can play dual lanes with lich and bm to shut down the spectre. Me casually walking to lane thinking we got this, oh wait ;
    Razor:BM where are you going
    Razor: ahaha you are funny come on seriously.
    (still laughing at this stage)
    BM: yh man we will own this
    (him speaking honestly)
    Razor: well fuck me!.
    You see ladies and gentlemen why will someone at that level of mmr 4k to be precise think its a good idea to do this. Lets all come together and discourage this .
    Thank you.



      < blank >




          Pale Mannie





                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  why can't he jungle?

                  you can't tell him what to play

                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                      Whats the point

                      K A L E B O Y S

                        Fear played jungle BM one or two times on pro-scene, so it should be considered kinda #legit .


                          I also want to make note of this. Guys anyone who supports what just happened in this my scenerio, make a note to ignore that comment. Dont argue it, no no no, thats just too much sweat. Ignore them .
                          Thank you again.


                            BM is legit jungler and jungling is legit strategy. I don't see any reasons to complain.


                            You have the worst KDA and lowest damage in your team as mid Razor. May be you blame BM to make yourself look better (common strategy of 14 year old boys)?!


                              You realize that you can play All Pick again now right?




                                  you have the balls to complain when you willingly pick razorr as counter for that lineuo /laugh you fucking noob

                                  0-10? Just cause you're trash


                                    No girl no job what a cool name


                                      I stand by my argument, if anyone thinks otherwise pls ignore them. LOL . No point .


                                        ^Dude, dumb people will get personal even if the point here is why would u get a BM in the jungle and a lich in the offlane vs a spectre. Ofc these dumb people above that look at the score, ignore the issue at hand...
                                        So, I can absolutely agree that the laning was extremely bad, and imo BM is a legit jungler only if u already have a strong offlaner that can annoy spectre.



                                          because its a dumpster mmr filled with players that have dunning kruger

                                          and besides, if you're being 'held back' by things of this level, then at most you're like 200 to 300 mmr better than your teammates. thats like when people laugh at you for a 3 inch penis and you get all defensive explaining how its 3.5, ya ppl still gonna laugh mate

                                          lm ao

                                            bm shouldve gone offlane with lich?

                                            is that ur point?

                                            Bill Cosby

                                              if any one in ANY game allows a spectre to farm 900xp per min and 700gpm they are going to loose.. period,


                                                I like how the BM you blame for your loss had a better KDA, GPM, HD, TD etc. than you did that game.


                                                  So from what I understand, some people agree that its better to let spectre freefarm, place BM in jungle, and let lich offlane.

                                                  OK, enough said...

                                                  Sounds retarded to me, but what do I know...

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                    free farming spectre is a good idea?


                                                      Well that's the result if u place BM jungle in stead of dual with lich... DOOH


                                                        The point is. U cant rely to forum like dotabuff to justify your action. In the forum retarded has same rights with good player to comment


                                                          What about ФАНТОМ РИКИ then? Everybody on this forum agrees that he is retarded and that he has only one right - right to uninstall DOTA 2.