General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to use Morp??

How to use Morp?? in General Discussion
[F]unky Panda

    i'm a newbie on morphling.. regarding fights for example;

    Morphling v PA on 1v1 situation., 1st thing comes to my mind when i see him is i try to burst him down quickly with eb combo IF he doesnt activate bkb.. IF he does, should i EB on myself n wait bkb cd?? Then , when man-fighting should i morph agi or str?? when to activate morph? in the beginning of fight??

    Here my scenario

    LVL 25 Morph v Pa

    item; EB , manta , BoT, Mkb , Butter, skadi v Bkb , BF , Satanic , tread, Basher , heart

    P/s ; sorry for my itemization.. but i'm amazed at how strong moprh really is..


      Morph loses to PA early, destroys PA mid game with EB and completely trashes on her with mkb + satanic
      After you get some items morph to agi max. Only start morphing to str when you sense you are in danger of dying