General Discussion

General DiscussionBalance on Arc Warden

Balance on Arc Warden in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!

    I was thinking how to balance Arc Warden and I came up with an idea..
    The illusion from Tempest Double does not incur any raw damage from items, but does incur its effects.. Like, it would give true strike to the illusion if you build MKB and give the 35% chance for 160 bonus damage, but the 88 damage won't be added to the illusion.. This would make the rapiers go away..
    But the illusion still can get bonus damage from auras.. Drow's Precision Aura, Venge's aura etc..
    Increase his agility gain to 3.2..


      Whats the point of nerfing high skill cap hero with 42% wr on pubs while Incocker is high skill cap hero with 50% wr?

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        It's not an illusion, it's a clone. And your idea is a bad idea.


          Even fucking riki have higher win rate than arc in 5k+ bracket. Be real man.


            The rapier build suck ball

            Fee Too Pee

              ^ that build make u win 1 vs 5 situation thou and i can see the tears falling from oppenent trying to stop BKB + Magnetic field with 3 rapiers

              Mike Wazowski..!

                Arc warden is a team oriented hero.. That's why he has low wr.. He will be broken in the pro scene.. He also has low win rate coz people don't see pros playing the hero, hence they have no style of play they can mimic.. I think he still is out of CM only coz he is broken.. And like Earth Spirit they will nerf him and enable him in CM.. Nerfs I'm suggesting..

                Player 175043649

                  just make his clone purgeable

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    just make his clone purgeable

                    Good idea.

                      Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                        should i've gone rapier straight after necros? i was flamed a ton for not buying it but i feel like i did much more when i bought skadi bkb mkb (in that order) as matrice suggested

                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          Told ya to avoid picking him into Slark and TA. There's usually nothing you can do against those heroes(well, TA can be assraped with illusion build, but not Slark).

                          This game should have been a free win tho, you had Tiny-Wisp, you can just get BoT lvl 2, BKB and some Rapiras and then TP to any tower you want and obliterate it in seconds. Wait for Relocate to come of cd and repeat. I don't know why haven't you upgraded your BoT.


                            arc warden 2 ez 2 counter pls man

                            Mike Wazowski..!

                              @Arin I think blink would have been good.. Everyone in that team is pretty mobile.. Your solo tp pickoff potential is gone there..
                              And yeah as suggested BoTs level 2 and rat doto would have been the way to go.. 12 seconds with that circle thingy is enough to take down towers with tiny..


                                Told ya to avoid picking him into Slark and TA. There's usually nothing you can do against those heroes(well, TA can be assraped with illusion build, but not Slark).

                                i don't feel like i had much trouble with either of them
                                like yeah i can't manfight slark ever but i was much more tanky and ta didn't do shit to me, and i was able to sustain through teamfight and not get instakilled by slark sneezing at me, i could hold on pretty long and even kill him with two arcs.

                                but i haven't even thought about upgrading bots. thanks for that


                                  i feel like im not doing shit when im buying rapiers except pushing towers sometimes (usually enemy is not that stupid to keep the lane under t3 tower so i can just tp there and break buildings, so i dont even get to t3 or i manage to land like 3 hits before it disappears).

                                  this thing i built was suprisingly impactful in teamfights

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    Nope, he's just really good at Arc(that's Vaxa in case you didn't know) and picks him when appropriate instead of spamming him.


                                      I wanted to play lots of arc but turns out down here you get reported and supports come to ruin your lane. :-(

                                      If I pick a spec Or a Sven I don't get this problem but picking arc is akin to techies in normal skill


                                        I played with a guy who picked Arc Warden when I was testing out how iron talon worked on Bloodseeker.

                                        Guy took a lot of farm, built a lot of raw attack damage items - MKB, Daedalus etc.

                                        Enemy had spectre, during team fights he would just get destroyed by spectre. Heck eventually spectre just started haunting and haunting in on the arc warden and solo killing him.

                                        So yeah that's pretty much my only experience with someone playing Arc Warden.

                                        oke lol

                                          i think he should be tweaked but not for reasons people have said, i personally think the hero cud be a lot more interested and a lot more fun. if he creates doubles which last without the timing down so u can have 2 at a time using items without a 20second duration would add a truly new style of hero and play to the game. while currently he is just another illusion hero like naga who has a less illusions but a fancy trick which allows him to periodically target objectives without risk of death.

                                          ofcouse a lot of rebalancing would have to be done(no rapiers) but i think at least that would make more a unique hero