General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do when they have roaming Mirana you don't see but know she's...

What to do when they have roaming Mirana you don't see but know she's there as squishy MID? in General Discussion

    Like for example, if you're playing OD/SF or Zeus, and it's early stage of the game where you can't afford any additional wards.

    Is it better to stay back and be safe, and don't try to trade farm at all? Also, somehow you end up pushing the lane, so keeping the lane uphil for you is not an option.

    A lot of times I end up getting my ass kicked because I start to panic a lot when I don't see her, and then she arrows me.

    How do you deal with this, for real? What do you do once you die somehow to her and their mid?

    Any tips would be welcome. It's more of a tilt problem for me, but would also appriciate any other input.


      Dodge arrows or lose ur lane. ask for wards


        Idk, any tips how to dodge them? I'm literally magnet for arrows or hooks. I guess it's bad positioning or some shit, idk


          try to keep the camera where u think the arrow is coming from so u see it earlier, ofc u also need to look at lane as much as u can


            Maybe TP rotation from your supports could scare them off or at least get another kill back but the odds of someone doing that is kinda low in solo que


              @ Kimi, I thanks, I'll try to do that.

              @ Joemama, dude, that's not what you get in my mmr, maybe in 5k or high 4k, not in high 3k-sub 4k

              lm ao

                fuck i am literally a magnet for uphill hooks



                  imagine urself at her place, what would u do? the arrows are kinda predictable in most cases.


                    Supoorts start torotate from like 4.3k+, in 3700, 3800, 3900, 4000, 4100 and even 4200 that's not a thing, at least that's how it's for me so far


                      tbh its hard to dodge good miranas they will arrow from fog etc. I've won many games by afking mid as mirana vs even the best players


                        TripleSteal, yeah, I guess that helps, will try to do that next time. It's just sometimes I can predict arrow, but it doesnt stop me from kissing her.

                        It's like, I have hard time to manage farming, checking runes, trying to stay alive in the same time.


                          try to lean towards one side of the lane i guess? if it isnt nighttime she cant change the side she shoots her arrow from without walking a verylong route

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            Tbh if I don't lane against Invoker that often I think it's easier for me to dodge arrows.

                            Once she hits you and she has inv, you're pretty much dead.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                            me, government hooker

                              dodge arrows or die tryin


                                XD allison


                                  ll dat arrow