General Discussion

General Discussionwhats happend after few good games

whats happend after few good games in General Discussion

    will get matched with people who has no clue at all about playing,and mostly in party
    it seems like better u play the worse players u get matched


      ur not that good...


        im not good,im just saying 2 feeders in one lane and one roaming feeder,sf with brown boots went mid stuff like that,where did they come from


          2 words Normal skill :) I've been with people way better than me and other times with people who get 30 lh on a mid Alch in 45 minutes......

          Git Gud and carry :)


            Its called shadow pool m8, after u have a few games with normal, non-braindead people, u get paired with these trashes. Its ups and downs, this is how valve sees the rules of engagement...