General Discussion

General Discussionas a 3k player, how should i improve. with a small hero pool, or lear...

as a 3k player, how should i improve. with a small hero pool, or learning all heroes in General Discussion

    so to those who remember being around 3k. going from 3k to 4k probably going to take a lot of games and a lot of learning. but just curious what u guys think? should i just keep focusing on the few heroes that i know well to get to 4k, and improve understanding of the game in that way? or is it better to get to 4k learning all heroes and giving equal time to each hero?

    the first way is probably quicker and more efficient i think because the game sense u learn from 4k games would probably spillover to ur less-played heroes anyway. or is the second way better because u understanding each hero at a much deeper level? the second way is undoubtedly longer way. but perhaps it increases ur potential beyond 4k?

    Your Wife's Boyfriend

      Well I can't name even one player (pro, friends, streamers) who can play well with all heroes in the game. Every player has a hero pool and he keeps focusing on these heroes. And yes - many will say "But I can play every hero" but "can play" doesn't mean that you are good with it. And still it is important (at least for a 4k+ player) to have a decent amount of heroes in his pool and to be able to switch between at least 2-3 positions in the game. So if your hero pool is so limited I suggest to try different heroes/roles before you start climbing. Of course this is the slower but more efficient in the long run way.


        Keep it small and focus on what you're good at

        King of Low Prio

          Have a hero pool for every role. I don't like supporting but I still have SB BH and kotl if I'm forced into the role and I wanna win.

          Dire Wolf

            Is the goal to improve or to hit 4k? If it's just to get 4k just spam the fotm meta heroes like OD, sven, spectre, or the high win rate pub heroes like necro, omni, zeus.


              Just play your best heroes and do your best (game impact) if getting 4k mmr is your only goal...
              why would you need to learn all heroes not like you're gonna get them anyway (unless you random in ranked?)...

              Your Wife's Boyfriend

                yea but 3k-4k is a good place to practice if u get to 4.5k with a meta hero then u can easily lose those points when you start playing something else


                  DON'T GET UP
                  IT'S A TRAP


                    i was first ranked at 3.4k and i reached 4k in my first 100 ranked games, but i did not play those 100 matches in a row, i dont play ranked unless i feel im above of my current mmr, dont try to just raise MMR try to improve at the game, mmr is the aftermath


                      get REALLY good at invoker and only go exort if you really think you have to solo win the game.


                        and when they are all grouped pushing in your shit if yoru team is garbage just push a diffrent lane you can take a tower faster solo with alacrity and 2 forges then there whole team (drums help). Invoker is a very overpowerd pusher.