General Discussion

General DiscussionGaming is not a crime..

Gaming is not a crime.. in General Discussion

    Soon man Soon I hope


      @Homsi U mean me? I met her when i was 7 years old. We are childhood friends until we grew up. She always know i am a gamers. I cant do outdoor sports because of physical problem. I confessed 5 years ago after graduating high schools.

      Dire Wolf

        sounds like she is just insecure and needs you constantly, so it's going to be an issue no matter what. Whether you are out with friends or gaming or watching tv whatever. No one should need to talk 24/7. She's needy and that won't change. You decide if it's worth it or not we can't tell you. Does she ever go out with her own friends?

        A. Snatcher

          Here's some perspective from an old man:

          Most, if not all of the young people will have a very short term view on how to deal with this situation.

          The most important thing is not letting gaming get in the way of your education (seems like you are doing a good job with that). The older you get, the harder it will be to finish or advance your education, so do it while you're young! The longer you are in a career the more money you will make over your lifetime.

          Make the time to experience life while you are young.
          If gaming is interfering with real life experiences then put gaming on hold.
          I regret missing out on some experiences when I was younger and spent way too much time playing EQ. If I could go back I would change it.

          Is your girlfriend someone you could see yourself having a future with? Love is fleeting and, no offence, can be easily confused for infatuation.
          Is this a long distance relationship? If it is and you don't see a future with her, then end it.
          Easier said than done, I know, but the odds are against it amounting to anything but irritation and eventual breakup.

          Overall just remember that dota is a game. It's great stress relief, but there is so much happening in your world that you may miss out on if you play too much.
          Balance is essential. You won't be young forever and you want to make sure you can look back at this time in your life and be satisfied with how you spent it.

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            FINISH HER


              DotA is addicting and eats up a lot of time. Girlfriends love attention which means giving up your time to message them, take them out, chatting with them, etc (I have a gf myself). There's an obvious conflict here.

              I don't think your girlfriend has the right to be mad at you for playing DotA UNLESS you are spending way too much time gaming which in consequence is hurting your academic life and making her feel lonely. The impression I got from glancing at your messages is that you spend a lot of time in-game.

              It's hard to admit it and I don't think I saw many posts saying so, but as you grow older, the amount of time you can spend gaming ends up being shorter, sadly. People have to realize this and come to terms with it. I love DotA myself - I have to keep uninstalling it once every few weeks so I can focus on school and my other hobbies which (I hope) I will be able to somehow live from in the future.

              My advice is - DotA is an awesome game, but it cannot consume your life because (if you're young) you have to set the foundation for how you will be able to sustain yourself when you're an adult and you won't be able to do that if you just game all day. (Unless you're someone like, PPD who make money from DotA, of course.)

              King of Low Prio

                Any girl who calls you more than 20x in one day needs to be shown the door. It seems like a massively emotionally dependent relationship between you two I doubt its really that healthy. Im lucky that I only really am interested in independent girls so I dont have to really deal with clingy ones because they have a life outside of the relationship.


                  @Gf ranchu reading yr comment make realize that i spent to much time in this game and i actually missing a lot of my classes. My only time to study is in class only. When i get home i open dotabuff, watching youtube about dota. Thank u for the advice :)
                  @Raymond wtf man. Tell me the step, lol
                  @a truth actually i have that kind of ambition. I want a career as a gamers. But u see im not so good in dota. Im only a average player, a 3k scrubs. Im not near that stage, i realize that. But i still trying.


                    @king of low prio u know bro i am studying far from my hometown, i dont have any family related here. I come studying here because she is here. She is the one that giving me pocket money for my food. I must be grateful for that. 20x calling when im not picking up is the prove that she really love me. All i want is she to give me some space. Understand what i am doing, i even refused 3 times invite from my university team to play with them in a tournament because she said no!

                    A. Snatcher

                      @Kiro, The games will always be here man; as a matter of fact, they will keep getting better.

                      If she is giving you support and is feeling like she isn't recieving anything in return, then you should do your best to communicate to her how much you appreciate her help.
                      Not to sound to crass, but it seems as though she has invested allot into this relationship (as have you from what I have read). She needs confirmation that her emotional and fiscal investment is worth the cost.

                      Like I said before; games will always be there, but if she is important to you and you don't show her that, then she may have to divest.

                      On the other hand - if you don't see a future with her, then let her know.

                      You also have to consider the investment that needs to be made to become a pro at any game.
                      IMO, getting a degree is a MUCH safer investment, that is guaranteed to pay dividends!

                      Either way don't get married until you're at least 30! Lol

                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                      King of Low Prio

                        Calling 20x when you don't pick up shows she is crazy, a simple text would get the point across. My girl hates Kendo but came to some practices to learn how its done and comes to every tournament even though she works nights and each tournament can stretch across a whole day. The difference is one scenario is a desperate need for someone vs being supportive and wanting to be with someone.

                        I moved across the country for school and can understand the isolation factor but you compound that problem when you add a clingy girl to the mix

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          My ex thought I was cheating on her when in fact I was playing. She knew I'm into gaming but couldn't understand how I can't text or answer my phone while playing. I explained it to her and she was fine. Dota was too complex for a non-gamer peasant but I got her hooked on HOM&M III and we played that together. She fucking thought just cause she found Dragon Utopia first that she is entilted to it. Fcking no. I raided that sh*t and she turned the computer off and was mad at me for hours. Fast forward: she's a contorl freak who hacked my FB. Fast forward even more: I'm banging her best friend. EZ.

                          Dire Wolf

                            " She is the one that giving me pocket money for my food. I must be grateful for that. 20x calling when im not picking up is the prove that she really love me. All i want is she to give me some space. Understand what i am doing, i even refused 3 times invite from my university team to play with them in a tournament because she said no!"

                            Nah calling 20 times means she is needy, but from the looks of it so are you if you need her to give you pocket money for food. Maybe you're both needy and co-dependent and meant for each other.

                            To above, how long do you go while playing without texting back? I don't fucking get it, unless you literally shut yourself in for an 8 hour play session who are these people who can't wait an hour tops for a response? Do you always text back immediately? What if you're at work or in class? You should start not texting back immediately on purpose and say I was busy doing other shit just so she gets used to it. That is not normal.

                            Sometimes my wife doesn't text me cus she is taking a freakin nap. I don't freak out about it or every expect an immediate response.

                            I truly enjoy this thread, makes my relationship seem much more normal.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              I cannot text while I am ingame even if I am dead. Usually I respond fast unless I'm bussy with something important (studying or being in game).

                              This was an old relationship mate, thing were smooth, than shit, than smooth, then shit and then I ended it. Using keylogger on me and being needy as fuck has done it for me.

                              Dire Wolf

                                yup that would do it. what I meant was just text back between matches, matches are like an hour


                                  Well actually i text her for 1 hours after i wake up in morning. After that i go play at the cyber cafe. When im playing dota, i dont know why i forgot everything, even if its raining outside i will not notice it. Even if i saw my phone is ringing i dont dare to pick it up. Because in cyber cafe there is also some girl playing game and shouting yaaaa! But not always. Also its to noisy, if she hear that sound. She will not want to talk with me for 2 days. Even if she is like that, i still love her. I will still try to contact her, sometimes i messed up when talking to her i mix up about games. She get pissed really easy when i talk about games.

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    @Kiro, how old are you and she?


                                      22 bro. Same age. Same home town. Same school from 7 years old until now we taking degree in the same university, but different courses.

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        Well you are mature enough to think the situation yourself. If something will bring more harm than good, lose it. Just like when a fight is bad and I pop my BKB, use TP, chat wheel >I'm retreating, >Sorry, and my team dies. Zero regrats. Path to the Ancient is paved with bodies of allies and enemies alike.


                                          you know dude tell her to go fuck herself seriously.
                                          in a normal relationship you shouldn't demand things from your partner (unless they are literally killing him), if she is not willing to compromise (like reduce playing from 6 hours to 3 hours or some shit) then she is not good for you probably.
                                          like if you would tell her to quit make up forever, or to throw away all her stuff and just wear hijab or some shit, will she do it?
                                          make her understand that, show her your position and if she is not willing to compromise then forget her, you will never be happy with such a person.

                                          A. Snatcher

                                            Well you are mature enough to think the situation yourself.

                                            Funny you should mention that. The older you get, the more you realize how stupid you were when you were younger.

                                            I agree with everyone in that, compromise is the key.
                                            You should be able to enjoy playing a moderate ammount and she should accept that.
                                            She should have her own interests that you should allow and perhaps support.

                                            I have been married to my wife for 10 years and have two kids with her. I just realized a couple years ago that the only thing we have in common are the kids. We share zero interests.

                                            Make sure that whomever you are with shares your interests or it will be a difficult road for the two of you in the future.
                                            Opposites may attract, but they begin to repulse if they aren't allowed to be themselves.

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                              Man, a very experienced guy. With 2 kids, but still playing dota. I hope i can keep up like u until i get kids and teach them about dota. Make them reach my unreachable 'Agharta' my dreams. I can control myself, u know girls they get angry very fast, but me trying to stay cool at anytime. If we both angry at the same time, the relationship will not hold long i think. That why i follow CLQ tips. PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) in real life and my dota.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                "I have been married to my wife for 10 years and have two kids with her. I just realized a couple years ago that the only thing we have in common are the kids. We share zero interests."

                                                Ha I'm in same boat dude but difference for me is, values and life goals that align are more important than interests, in my view anyway. In that sense those two kids, that is your common bond, building a family and life together, that's the bond. Though who knows what'll happen when we retire and I want to play video games and go to bars and she wants to go to rome or some shit.

                                                A. Snatcher

                                                  ^^ True Dire

                                                  There has been a huge increase in divorces in the US lately due to Baby Boomers no longer having the kids at home to hold things together.
                                                  Sad to think, but sometimes that's all that remains in a marriage; the pure will to protect the kids from divorce.

                                                  sopa en mi yolk

                                                    Drop her, find a girl that likes whatever you like, same something in common other than LoL


                                                      u know girls they get angry very fast

                                                      lol man girls are not apes


                                                        lol man girls are not apes


                                                        me, government hooker

                                                          u sure




                                                              Wake up with some liquor in me
                                                              Wake up and the world is empty
                                                              Wake up, bet my bag is empty
                                                              Wake up, take a trip to Paris


                                                                My bad for that broken english. Lol

                                                                Player 175043649

                                                                  just dump your gf you're not even married to her yet she already controls you


                                                                    Well yeah she control me but i cant dump her bro. Can u feel my love? The feeling when the enemy dropped divine rapiers in front of u. The taste of +25?
                                                                    Ill just try and try to make her understand, until she dont care anymore about my gaming. For now that is the best i think. After get adviced by a very experienced player here, the best solution is being persistent i think.


                                                                      thats not the solution lol dude, COMPROMISE


                                                                        Well yeah she control me but i cant dump her bro. Can u feel my love? The feeling when the enemy dropped divine rapiers in front of u. The taste of +25?

                                                                        yeah that's the moment when you drop boots to pick up rapiers
                                                                        and then you lose them

                                                                        and you're rapierless and bootsless

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          There are thousands of single girls at university you are not forced to stay with her. Find a compromise or don't and live with a woman running your life.


                                                                            Trust an old man. Don't stay in a relationship when you are young with someone who you aren't completely happy with. The world is large, there are billions or people and things to do. Don't waste your life trying to cling on to someone who makes you miserable jsut because you are scared of breaking up.

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              "There has been a huge increase in divorces in the US lately due to Baby Boomers no longer having the kids at home to hold things together.
                                                                              Sad to think, but sometimes that's all that remains in a marriage; the pure will to protect the kids from divorce."

                                                                              No you are taking me the wrong way. We aren't just keeping it together for the kids. Our interests right now are our kids. We do a lot of family stuff together whether it's dinners out, vacations, hobbies for the kids like going to the zoo and dance classes, holidays and seeing family etc. That's what's important to us. So in that sense we like the same things, family time. Outside of that neither of us have time for anything else anyway lol. I do a little dota here and there, she goes out with her girlfriends sometimes or watches dancing with the stars. It's very hard for us to agree on what movie to go to on a date night. But it's not hard to figure out what to do on a weekend.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                Spents 1 hour deciding a movie then falls asleep 10mins in.......crazy women


                                                                                  I've been with my wife 11 years and I started playing dota like 13 years ago and she still hates it lol . I actaully had a 7 year gap where I didn't play dota at all however when we were teenagers and I showed her dota one and she got kicked out of all the games instantly when u could vote people out of games , I think that's when her Hatred for it started lol.


                                                                                    Yeah i know, all people around me said that. Just leave her, go find other girl, but i cant do that. I cant leave her. Because before she is not like this, she is very nice before. But i think she become like this 1 year ago, when i have become very addicted to a one game, ZhyperMU and playing it 24/7 didnt go out from my room except for food. This happen when i still didnt applyed to any university.
                                                                                    I think its my fault for not giving her enough attention.


                                                                                      @Filthy you are very persistent bro. Lol


                                                                                        Ditch her. Dota is love, dota is life :3


                                                                                          Ditch dota. Gf is love, gf is life <3 :D


                                                                                            youve known her since your childhood.

                                                                                            dont leave that for fucking pixels



                                                                                              agreed lmao, i mean it'll be hard to give up or severely reduce dota gameplay time but it sounds like u love her and vice versa


                                                                                                Just play it in moderation , she'll either accept it and stop bit-chin or she'll never stop bit-chin but deal with it which is most likely , or she'll use it as an excuse to end things , which if your doing in moderation will be just an excuse for her .


                                                                                                  I'm close to being 30 now. Had several GF's who has a problem with me choosing to do stuff like play video games without them. I call them all crazy and it's not worth it. I've never tried to tell them to drop a hobby and I will never respect someone who thinks i'd drop mine. The most important thing in life is you and if someone tries to "nerf" who you are and your interrests then fuck em. Find someone who can be with you without you having to choose, thats not long lasting trust me.


                                                                                                    Thank u for the all advice guys. I just told her i will not stop playing dota, but i will reduced it and stop smoking. She said ok, but dont join any tournament for now. Just play when u really have a free time. I show her all the comment from u alls. I think that is why she can tolerate this. Especially comment by that couple pophock thank u.

                                                                                                    Eternal Meow

                                                                                                      Do you ever make plans to do things with her? It sounds like she wants to do things and calls you all the time but you are always gaming. If you make plans to hang out with her, don't blow her off to play dota instead. Don't show up late because you were playing dota instead. If you are spending time with her and she still wants you to stop dota then she's got a problem, not you. But if you're ignoring her entirely so you can spend all your free time playing dota, then she has a right to be annoyed and look for a boyfriend that will spend some time with her.

                                                                                                      If she's calling you all day, just make plans to do something together. She should stop calling so much if she knows you will hang out later. If you have no desire to go hang out with her, then why bother having a girlfriend? And don't talk about dota the whole time you're hanging out with her.