General Discussion

General Discussionranked so hacked

ranked so hacked in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    11 of my last 12 games. I get retarded fucks

    Don't know how to pick heroes

    Don't know how to support

    Don't know how to carry

    No fucking concept of the game

    How the fuck is this possible. Useless fucking system.

    me, government hooker

      fucking hacked ranked


        Its dota shadow pool, loosing streak, a winning streak will come, maybe, hopefully, later...

        And some "gods among us" say: everyone is where they deserve to be (mmr wise), what a joke. This system is such a bullcrap joke.


          What an acurate way to descirbe yourself. Do tell Professor No'Fucks


            "Don't know how to pick heroes
            Don't know how to support
            Don't know how to carry
            No fucking concept of the game"

            Ok... Now tell us about your teammates...

            Swap Commends

              Don't smurf buddy.
              That's why

              Granite Lee

                yea bullshit 15 fucking games and 14 losses because of idiots yea ok makes sense valve.

                Yea i fucking good. I fucking deserve to be in 7k playing players with fucking knowledge.

                Not these brain dead fucks who have no idea what the fuck they are doing.

                Ok so you all just confirmed that you all stupid fucks. congratulations

                Granite Lee

                  ok @soultrap you suck at dota. you get lucky and get good teammates. yea they carry you. you do nothing. naga with tranquils and manta. ok retard shit

                  HAWK TUA

                    Focus on yourself instead of other people.


                      "Yea i fucking good. I fucking deserve to be in 7k"



                        I am a retarded hacker and i find this offensive.


                          Ranked Win Rate at 28% Evidently you were way to high.. probably as high as your ego thinks you should be.. but that's writing checks your shit attitude cant cash...

                          MURICA LUCK YA

                            Reminder this OP abandond and go LP, became ass blasted and posted on a 3rd party site.

                            Also their is a HUGE issue with matchmaking, I've seen it happen myself. Win 5 games suddenly a known feeder appears that you muted a month ago. Report lose game, behold he's playing. With you again. This is retarded and makes solo worthless. If you don't want to play with a player what makes Valve think they should be on your team. I for one get to the point where I say fuck it and buy shadow and sit out .

                            White Knight

                              2 months ago u had a long winning streak. It's just pay back time.

                              lm ao

                                ur an idiot


                                  @murica fuck ya
                                  sorry, thats a bullshit theory that has nothing to do with mm concept. u got this person in ur game cz u were at the same mmr and q-ing at the same time.
                                  i get pre-muted ppl in 80-90% of my matches.

                                  you lose cz u smurfed into a higher mmr u cant handle. ur skill is way lower, so you get defeated over and over again, and apparentl cant even understand why it happens.


                                    maybe... just maybe... you're the retard..?


                                      HAX!! FUCKING HAX!! MM BEING HAXED!!!


                                        your a fucking noob stop trying to go and cry to others the common denominator that led to all those losses was you do the math

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          27% win rate in ranked ololololo

                                          OP, you "hacked" ranked and got calibrated over your head and now you are getting shit on. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.


                                            poor guy.. from vhs to ns

                                            what a sick joke


                                              Wow the title rimes

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon


                                                try this


                                                  @Why You Retards Play Dota
                                                  "soultrap you suck at dota. you get lucky and get good teammates"

                                                  Yes, I pray to God every day for sending me so good teammates.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    dude you ever stop to look at your teammates when you go on winning streaks? It's same except opposite, either other team is feeding you or teammates are kicking ass. It's cyclical.


                                                      Post a link of your match that proves your words. Like u was +20 kill and your teammates was 0-15. Ofc u cant!

                                                      Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                        My teammates are usually decent (mb 1/200 lost games I lose because of a certain individual) and I have a part as well in most of my losses so idk, once I told a guy about the team formula. You can start with not destroying your items/abandon when the game gets hard.


                                                          Dude. That profile
                                                          Normal matchmaking- 55% winrate
                                                          Ranked matchmaking - 28% winrate
                                                          Normal matchmaking- mostly very high skill with some high skill
                                                          Ranked matchming- mostly very high skill except for the last 9 matches (which aren't showing skill for me)

                                                          How did you accomplish this? Calibrate way too high?


                                                            So tired of seeing people flame their teammates mistakes and not acknowledging their own in games. We have all been there; the game isn't going well and it looks like you might lose. But try to keep the following advice in mind:

                                                            - DOTA is a TEAM game; you win and lose together. It doesn't win games to flame your teammates and/or rage/feed/abandon

                                                            - When you get into games that you feel your teammates aren't pulling their weight (true or not), focus on tightening up your game. You can't change the way your teammates play, you can only focus on your play and making it better.

                                                            - Attitude in-game is a huge part of how games are won, IMO. If you notice yourself becoming upset at a teammates play, just attempt to focus on something else in the game, maybe even pause for a brief moment to collect yourself if you are starting to tilt. Be an encouraging teammate; someone who motivates your team to work together, and play better!

                                                            - If a teammate is bothering you and you have tried (nicely/constructively) to help them or the team through chat/voice, but they continue, MUTE THEM. Negativity is a quick way to destroy team dynamics and further send your game into a flat-spin.

                                                            - Intelligent players don't resort to toxic behavior. Enough said.

                                                            - NEVER GIVE UP. EVER. The game may be 100% a loss, but that doesn't mean that you should just cease to learn from the current game and try everything that you can. Games can turn around with a single teamfight!

                                                            Most importantly, at the end of each game (no matter how bad you think your team did) tell your teammates 'gg'. Leave each game on a positive note, put the last one out of your mind, and prepare for the next one. Always try to find at least one thing that you could have done better and make that your goal to improve on for the next game.

                                                            Sorry for the rant, but these tips are things that I think not just you, but everyone in DOTA can benefit from. We make the community better or worse for other players. Don't be the teammate that AFK's in the well when things get tough, don't be the teammate that tilts and flames, don't be the teammate that you don't want to have.

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                                                            lm ao

                                                              Err u guys are dumb, hes obviously wanting for attention

                                                              He really wants to follow phantom rikis steps, but op, u gotta try harder small son. Like veil of discord dagon sven or something similar