General Discussion

General DiscussionBest mid when your carries are brain dead?

Best mid when your carries are brain dead? in General Discussion

    if you have any suggestions for mids that can win 1 vs 5 and have late game that would be nice

    me, government hooker

      invoker?? xD


        ta ember invoker od zeus


          if you are good, then also ld, brood (she doesnt scale well, but u kinda win the game at 15 min mark anyways), and pl


            ^Isn't brood like the most stiuantional hero in dota ever?


              and in the correct situations she wins the game at the 15 min mark lol


                brood is good against all the meta mids except zeus mb

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  Lanaya is the definition of 1v5.


                    normal skill smurf that wants to win 1v5 and you guys take him seriously?


                      No one
                      Mid don't have late game simply cuz others can catch up. Pick a stomper like ursa/slark/od and push early or a hard carry like am/spec

                      Ember is a good one but lose mid to a lot of range midders like invoker and he's a farming type of midlaner that if he cant get items and lvl on right time he can't dps enough.

                      Picking ember against pudge is the best tho!

                      lm ao


                        I suggest puck if youre very good at it. ONLY IF YOURE GOOD AT IT. Ensure easy solo kills in mid, good playmaker, especially if your lineup is greedy. Good initiator, which is one of the things that win games.

                        Templar assasin is like beast mode, easy farm on mid, gets desolator and roshans at minute 13, and game is all yours.

                        Also od, invoker zeus

                        lm ao

                          Ember's playstyle has evolved from mid game powerhouse to a global pusher with bot and remnants

                          If u have poor game sense like the normal skill smurf you are dont play ember


                            So?!??!!?? What even u tryin to say?

                            Pls read the first post!

                            Yes sir you are right hes a mid game powerhouse and a global pusher but what can he do when he loses mid to viper or necrophos and he's behind? He's a hard carry?no
                            He's a 1vs5er?no
                            Dude is so squashy just jump on him with orchid he's done.

                            lm ao

                              No, i only contradicted u saying no one can 1v5 and still stay relevant after 40 minutes

                              And my point is clearly defined in the last paragraph of my second post, if you thought i was referring to ember?

                              I dont need to learn how to read sorry but maybe you should learn how to grasp context


                                "If u have poor game sense like the normal skill smurf you are dont play ember"

                                Bruh... learn how to to talk nicely. Give some respect. Dont talk shit for a video game.
                                I dont care about u. I do whatever i want

                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                Fee Too Pee

                                  OD 1 vs 5 with support omni #balanced #meta #fairgame #ez25mmr #fuckmybraindeadnodamagesafelanecarries

                                  lm ao

                                    You know it was directed to op right

                                    Lols i necroed this thread out of vanity

                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                      Bruh... learn how to to talk nicely. Give some respect. Dont talk shit for a video game.
                                      I dont care about u. I do whatever i want

                                      "omg you hurt my virtual feelings so im going to play the *respect pplz in the internetz* card(in a dota 2 forum) and then pretend like im unaffected about the truth that i lost a cyber argument because of my poor comprehension"



                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          Invoker or Templar Assassin.

                                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                              Templar Assassin. Just Yolo farm and finish game by min 35


                                                windrunner, invoker, ember

                                                i thought wr is garbage this patch
                                                or you go maelstrom blink again


                                                  @arin maelstrom blink is legit


                                                    i suggest to fix ur own brain 1st op