General Discussion

General Discussionexample of account buyer

example of account buyer in General Discussion

    5k mmr

    play pl midlane (his first pl match) and he made EOS + MKB against spec + zeus + invoker line up

    instead of going diffusal + heart after eye of skadi.

    made all the 3k calls (gank spec with smoke, and always ended getting wipe.

    talk about how BKB will solve his issue when i said u just need HEART, he went MKB instead (i doubt he knows how MKB works).

    talks alot on mics.

    typical indian account buyer.

    [the account calibrated 4750 solo mmr around 1 year ago, he bought this account a month ago and played 70 matches ranked and now reached 5k by spamming meta heroes, and now he is on his way back to 4k]

    when can account sales stop? sites like viking dota advertising account selling, mmr boosting in steamcommunity web and is never taken any actions by valve.


      his account first 101 matches were played @ europe west/east by russian account seller.

      and sold to this indian guy a month ago and he played on SE Asia and spoil the games in 5k.


        in this match u look like an account buyer, not him

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          im roaming fyi.

          and stop shitposting every threads.


            dont u think he might have had some excuses, too? like, "riki came, failed and fucked my laning stage up", "supports didnt know to ward", etc.? why do u think hes wrong and u r right? objectively, both of u are most likely mistaking.

            stop postng complaint threads if u want relevant feedback. throwing the shit at the fan, u need to understand whats going to happen. the output follows the input.

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              heart of tarasque is garbadge against zeus, and relatively bad against spectre aswell compare to satanic.

              You cann't even speak about item build, when you don't even have a clue of what he had to do.

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              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                I agree with triple steal. You can't just blame your carries if you lose the game. Though he might a account buyer, he play pretty good and he deserve on that skill bracket if you ask me.

                det skjuts foer lite punkt

                  well if pl mid is shit 5k mmr it seems legit 7k mmr?


                    ye ur a retard

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                        OP is account buyer? should we report?


                          BTW how can you play in other server without lag?


                            He only had 4 losses out of the last 15 matches, I don't know if he bought or not, but he looks like he deserves to be in his current skill bracket.


                                Chicket good internet? i get 15-25 ping to EU west and like 70-90 ping to USE.


                                  44% winrate this patch and you say account buyer? welp, looks like Meka is an acc buyer, better report him.


                                    Lel well it could be the fact the guy i linked is just playing like shit and cant find something hes comfortable on, that or a friends on his account or something. Still its pretty bad to be losing that amount of games.... I know im a shitstain spammer but jesus i couldnt imagine having a negative winrate for 3 months straight.


                                      look at this account buyer


                               that's how acc buyers look like 4Head

                                        ASSESS Product

                                          @0.0 lol I remember him who post and talk a shit about his teammate.


                                            actual account buyer dropping 1k mmr and still going strong

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                                              He loses a game for people on purpose? What the fuck, how is he not in low p forever?