General Discussion

General DiscussionI tend to tilt really hard - Any suggestions welcome

I tend to tilt really hard - Any suggestions welcome in General Discussion

    So, at times i really fall of. Now I am on a dire losestreak where I also play really, really bad. Mainly since I poped into some SD games and I was forced/agreed to play non comfort heros. But thats just my own fault.

    Some quick coments:

    General: Normaly I do not feed. At all. You can see this. In my recent games - Iv died. A lot. Like, really A lot. :( - I am just terrible with NP, I dont even remember when I played him last time. We got smashed and I was a big part of it. - Classic team picks and force me to support. I was the only one playing, well. Not much to say but shit happens.

    Before that I played a Lion and a Nyx game. Well, not good games. Before I was the standrad me.

    So, if you just have a quick look at the above stuff, is there anything specific you would say I would sort ot,except not play heros that I dont enjoy/can handle? Also, theres a slardar game ongoing that we forfaited. We get smashed. Again.

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      One thing about Dota 2 is that loss streaks are inevitable. It's just how you handle it that counts. Just press through it for now. As you've stated these are heroes you aren't comfortable with, which is understandable as to why you died that much. Honestly the rest of your team in those games aren't the best, not having a mid laner is very strange. As for how you can improve, I noticed a few mistakes that you made in the NP game.

      First, when you're forced to swap lanes, buy a TP scroll to help you do it. It saves time and allows you to not miss XP, which is essential for a non-support hero like NP. NP really falls off in the late-game, so this mistake really costed you. Clarities got cancelled twice, both cases could be easily avoided by running the other way. Use the courier to get your items, an oblivion staff was just sitting in your stash for 2 minutes at 20:30. I feel like you spent too much time standing around, but that's probably my ADHD coming into play.

      Your item choices are very interesting, you don't really want to get an Assault Cuirass as a hero that isn't tanky. You'll die too fast and your team will lose the aura it provides. As a support hero, you don't want to build into expensive items such as Black King Bar or even Aghanim's Scepter as first items. You'll want those last. Get inexpensive items such as Glimmer Cape, or in that game's case due to a lot of physical heroes a Ghost Scepter would've been nice.

      Honestly you aren't a horrible player or anything, your team was a lot worse then you in terms of items and even game sense, just keep it up and you'll start winning again. This loss streak is just something that happens in dota, to all players. I just got off of mine a week back, and I've been winning more than I've been losing since. I'd recommend that you watch twitch streamers or high MMR player's games in the client to see how you should lane and fight. Good luck with future games.


        Just quit. I did. Haven't tilted since.