General Discussion

General DiscussionIdea for kunkka

Idea for kunkka in General Discussion

    I have an idea for kunkka.

    Torrent replaced with...
    In a 400 radius enemy units are dragged to the center then stunned like torrent, deals 50/100/150/200 damage
    20 sec cooldown

    This could help kunkka for the initiator role more.

    For right clicker kunkka, just increase stat gains.

    Vem Comigo

      his ult needs to have a higher radius, the torrent is very good, some people say that is hard to hit, but i dont think so.
      He needs a buff for starting dmg, and armor.

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      one syllable anglo-saxon

        Kunkka is fine, if it wasn't for Invo and OD(+omni at which point you can just insta-quit the match) mid every fucking game Kunkka would be a top tier mid. All of his skills are bullshit already.

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          I agree with Alenari. Kunkka is a very nice pick, and changing his Torrent for "Whirlpool" seems like a cop-out for learning how to play.


            Whirlpool = vacuum with stun. 2ez4universe. Kappa

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Pretty much lol
              If you really need help landing stun get a eul's on him.


                The point is to give kunkka an initiation role since torrent has such a small aoe that he cant initiate with it


                  ^ x marks ?


                    X marks + torrent is enough.
                    That skill u mention is not a dota skill. Too ez for reetaardz.

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      ^ Exactly. He does initiate though. X Marks The Spot, and building sb/blink on him gets things rolling.


                        X marks, with Torrent and ship is a nice combo, you just have to practice to get it all to work. Requires timing, and knowledge of how the placement of the boat works.


                          what about if whirlpool was an aghs ability?


                            Kunkka is fine blah blah blah he is so dogshit. I enjoyed his idea I thought it was cool. Buff in a few days

                            ASSESS Product

                              Kunkka is bad right now. He really need buff for his armor. Last time i play him, i feel he kinda paper than before. About the whirpool, i dun think so. His torrent is already enough to initiate. Just when try to initiate, make sure doing that in a place where enemy cant see you.


                                Kunkka just needs something to make him be able to actually be useful. One single combo which falls off once people have more than 1000 hp. Unable to manfight any other carry in the game. An Aghs upgrade which is...kinda effing useless tbh. The hero is just shit no matter where you put him. Can't carry, can't mid, can't support, can't solo offlane, pretty meh in a dual offlane.

                                brendlol, my anaconda don't

                                  Kunkka is so strong right now with torrent and X-marks!