General Discussion

General Discussionwhich heroes can lane against alchemist mid?

which heroes can lane against alchemist mid? in General Discussion

    And can get some farm too

    ASSESS Product

      Zeus, od, invoker. Just keep harass him.


        Lol ez


          Lol, zeus mid against Alch is an easy way to ensure a 12 minute radiance...unless your team mates gank him which of course they won't...too lost in their own pathetic worlds trying to deal with their lanes and not caring that an Alch is getting free farm.

          Legend 4/5 forever

            Lina should be fine. The wave clear and nukes are pretty decent against alch. Playing against alchemist is not only about winning the lane, you and your team should be able to secure the rune etc. But what do i know? I'm just normal skill scrub

              Цей коментар був видалений модератором
              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Voker demolishes Chemist. And OD. Even TA. Just go out of mindset "I have to be outside of spray". And bring enough regen and manipulate the wave in a smart fashion.

                七海 千秋

                  Shadow Fiend , Invoker

                  Fee Too Pee

                    huskar can manfight alche in acid if u carefull. even huskar in 6.86 can freefarm vs alche mid


                      Lol so many heros for arche counter mid but sure your skill and call your teammate sometimes.

                      Dire Wolf

                        The problem is you can't just win lane cus alch will bide his time until 6 and just farm with acid and catch up with runes and jungle. You have to be aggressive and shut him down. Best way I think is take tower fast and then don't let up so he can't get control of jungle.


                          I watched a video on youtube from Danny (if u know him)...he wrecked vs TA mid playing alch,,,,

                          and also what if alch put the spray so far ahead that u cannot get near?

                          Magbalugtong Jr.

                            If u let acid spray scare u away then ur screwed. shutting down alche is not a 1 v 1 thing, ask for ganks from ur supports and communicate well with ur teammates about the stacks and how are u doing at mid. Winning mid isnt always mean u win the game, just dont let ur mid opponent solo kill u




                                Viper, life stealer, meepo, terrorblade.


                                  Invoker with bounty rune+ block
                                  Then you move between the creeps and alch and what is going to do?

                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      Just harrass and gank. When I support and see an alch mid or ls/enigma jungle, I make their lives hell.


                                        EZ invo


                                          Viperino but don't expect to win the game...