General Discussion

General Discussion6.87 and The International

6.87 and The International in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    What patch will be played in The International ? 6.86 or 6.87?

    Disposable Hero

      It will be stupid if volvo doesnt release a new patch by august or whenever ti6 is, we will probably get it either a few weeks before manila or a few after


        It'll be 6.87. Based on when the patch last year was released around the start of May it's expected that the patch or at least patch notes will be out this or next week.

        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

          I hope you're right guys, I'm so tired of this patch, one of the worst patch I ever seen.
          What heroes do you think will be buffed?


            honestly everybody says that about every patch before a new one comes out... "this patch sucks i cant wait for the next one", this patch was fine, more eventful than all the others and the next one will be different, as always.

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              I liked every patch before this, except for 6.79. I don't like this one for many reason.


                I liked 6.84 (apart from Storm) and 6.85 (apart from SF). Didn't like this one at all since I don't have any comfort picks. I mean I played Zeus fairly well for a stint since I bought his arcana, but I never felt like he was an autowin like Bloodseeker in 6.84 since he is so squishy if he gets dived on. 6.81 and 6.82 were also fine apart from Void in 6.81.

                This patch was the worst since 6.83 because of the complete dominance of spectre. I didn't mind Invoker, he's not that hard to work around.

                All I know is centaur and venomancer are getting buffed, it's highly like clinkz and kunkka will also get buffs.

                Pale Mannie

                  I think Shadow Shamam wont get buffs next patch

                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                    I would like to see again Storm Spirit, Lina, leshrac, they can't even farm in Jungle because 20% magic ressistance of jungle creeps.
                    Invoker it's way easier to play now, but it's ok, I hope it get nerfed but not so much, because Icefrog always does the same, make some hero broken during 1 patch, next patch make that hero unplayable.


                      This Patch was worst ever cuz to many dusa counters in meta :-(

                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                        It was a hard patch to very late game heroes, like AM, dusa, naga.

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                        Livin' Real Good

                          Yeah, literally every patch " is the worst one people have ever seen. " Which just isn't true, I doubt this is the worst patch.

                          Pale Mannie

                            Indeed at the end people say that

                            Pale Mannie

                              one of my favourite patches with 6.84


                                Same, I loved 6.84 where u can just blow ppl up with Lina mad Lesh.


                                  6.86 is not bad tho, I really enjoyed heroes like invoker, od, dp. Didn't like Playing agains Sven or spec tho, it's really frustrating getting 2 shot by a 6 slotted Sven at 30 min, and spec is just being spec, it's funny that no matter how bad a spec player is, they always win when game goes long enough.


                                    And they really need to bring sf back, so I can just pick Sf against Sven and buy skadi to kite him forever.