General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti Mage 6.87 Build?

Anti Mage 6.87 Build? in General Discussion
deep name + dark anime pfp

    How should we build Anti Mage now? Should we go Vanguard instead of Vladimir's Offering after Battle Fury? I also think skipping heart might be a thing because of the vanguard in the Abyssal. Or should we just completely skip Abyssal and replace it with Scythe of Vyse? And also, if we do skip heart, what should it be replaced with? Linkens? Or a damage item? Or maybe even a second butterfly? Tell me what you guys think of Anti Mage in 6.87 :)


      Vang into aby later seems good to me


        He has the Eco to go for the bloodthorne? More disable and dmg and it's a team item? Also the echo lance I think would be good because two mana breaking hits every 4 secs

        acc buyers in my team

          his build didn't change.

          end of story


            The anti - mage build is still bkb


              upgraded version of orchid Seemsgood


                A 5 slotted anti-mage 25 lvl, threads, manta, abyssal, heart and battle fury have 3400 hp, so 6th item anything you need

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  mkb for more damage.


                    i did a lot of practice with antimage today the thing i found best was to do bf than vangaurd than manta than turn vangaurd into abyssal than butterfly if you havent destroyed the other team already, or oyu could be a dick and buy 2 divine rapiers to taunt them like i did, anti mage possibly the best carry in the game


                      ^^ normal skill



                        Champagne Papi

                          artyome be comparing his items like "than vanguard than manta than butterfly..."


                            ^ true and only build

                            vanguard seems good, maybe vg bf and manta? and then upgrade vg


                              Without abyssal as dmg wont he need another dmg item? Or shud butterfly be enough?


                                vanguard Brown boots then bf

                                unkillebal with vanguard + perseverance (and maybe already finished treads)



                                  Galip Ersoz

                                    Just don't pick anti-mage for good pls.


                                      Treads - bfury. Manta. Butter. Abyssal . 6th item:
                                      Gem. Bkb. AC. MKB. Daedlus. Heart
                                      Divine rapier. Linken. Tp scrolls. Dust

                                      Pls dont build vladmir on am thats bad and dont rush vangaurd otherwise u lose the game


                                          There are two legit builds, the old true-and-tested BF,Vlads,Manta,.. and the new Miracle one: Treads Vanguard Vlads Abyssal,...

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            go urn vlads vanguard phase ( drums optional) manta abyssal
                                            tested build


                                              i'm reporting every single retard who skips bf on am
                                              miracle stop ruining pubs please


                                                why dont u try sometimes for a change ? playing the same way for the same hero is boring. its not that bad to try sometimes
                                                if you dont want then dont do it, no problem right?


                                                  ive seen beesa go boots vang treads oov fury manta abysal think its pretty good

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                                                    playing bf am for me is super fun
                                                    it's not fun running around with a 5 cs/min AM that runs out of mana if you blink too much


                                                      How about Mushi-style AM??? Kappa


                                                        i just go vanguard before battlefury, delays your battlefury by 2-3 mins, and you can fight early which is very useful.


                                                          I watched miracle game with that shit build
                                                          He gave first blood wtf and poorman shield and vangaurd at same time


                                                            Am in dota imba is pretty op just afk jungle and kill evey one in 15 mins in
                                                            Hes attack speed is at maximum with just mega treads


                                                              vanguard vlad manta

                                                              vanguard battlefury manta

                                                              battlefury vlad manta



                                                                Vanguard - S&Y - Echo Sabre / Orchid

                                                                sin blyadi

                                                                  Just as usual, but add vg before bf if u r facing strong early game draft


                                                                    Hmmm maybe I'll try the no battle fury build in non ranked


                                                                      So going vg before battle fury doesn't slow farm too much ?


                                                                        is vlads really neccesary? (for the vanguard no fury build) what do u think of just getting wand/aquila to fix the mana problems since u dont really need the hp sustain from vlads


                                                                          yea I think vlads rly important for no fury build. Vlads let u manfight almost any hero, aquila doesnt. Vanguard -> Vlads is so nice transition for what u wanna do. Helps pushing, stay max hp etc. Also much better for early-midgame fights


                                                                            Yeah vlads us almost necessary for the no bfury build. He's very mana starved and it helps u farm


                                                                              What about doing vg bfury then vlads ?

                                                                              A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                                Replace Vlads with vanguard. Normal progression otherwise


                                                                                  Best strat, tested 2day by my brother: vanguard threads echo sabre mjolnir and whatever after that. His game was 24 min long and he had 30k


                                                                                    Best strat, tested 2day by my brother: vanguard threads echo sabre mjolnir and whatever after that. His game was 35 min long and he had 30k

                                                                           here's the game

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