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General DiscussionNeed help with spectre late game

Need help with spectre late game in General Discussion

    The early game was shit, sf feeding repeatedly(not that he didnt feed late game) but I managed to get us through it, my question is, how could I have won this game? What items?

    mom said it's my turn to ...

      Sorry but my hand is still too tired stroking my own ego. Someone give him a "hand" pls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


        This is an actual question, I've lost so many late games as spectre. Since the only similarity in each game was me, I'm obviously the problem, so I want to fix it.

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          maybe buy diffusal or skadi instead of Boots of Travel lvl2, leave that for final item when you are 6 slotted.


            Thats the thing, I had dif lvl 2 but all charges were used so I sold it to pick up aegis, is it worth it to rebuy diffusal? For the mana burn and slow?

            Professor Dog

              @kage I'm guessing the rapier was his


                @Crystal Squish, yes, the rapier was mine, last ditch attempt once they mega'd

                Ziggot + デン

                  @kage, did you buy bkb for smoke???


                    After heart u should've gone Daedalus. MKB was useless there. Better still, maybe try that new 7k item bloodthorne(i think) for the true strike . Selling diffusal was a bad mistake, ur illusion needed it. but what u were missing is crit. I also max desolate asap for pickoffs instead of dispersion. most of the time ur not THAT tanky yet to max dispersion.


                      U cant always expect to 1v5 lategame u need to engage earlier with your team. Spectre can have a 101% kill participation Kappa


                        Octarine > Heart
                        Guardian Greaves > any other boots

                        Also get diffusal.


                          Thank you for the advice guys, but whats the point fo crits if I cant hit the guy?

                          And I got mkb for smoke and the butterfly/s

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                            butterfly instead of boots lvl 2 upgrade... other than that its just teamwork... sorry that had to happen to you. also bkb might've helped, but it depends on how the other team was playing.

                            edit: rewording, said firefly instead of butterfly

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                              dont listen to soul trap, octarine core on a spectre... guardian greaves instead of TP boots... no. Heart was an ok decision here. Butterfly would've helped with their right clickers and bkb during teamfight, then heart may have been more of a better build. dont be afraid to use haunt when you only see three people on map, you can easily pick off one of them then use tp boots back to where you need to be. Other than that, mobility is a must with spectre early game... i like using phase boots, wind lace and orb of venom early on and building off of that if the situation permits (eye of skadi/drums). also raindrops help alot with early game to have a spectral dagger ready at all times as well as avoid getting nuke by necrophos too hard early game.

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                                P.S. dont worry about dmg too much on spectre, dont sell diffusal even when out of charges, keep it for the agility boost (you can also upgrade it for more charges... im unsure if you already did that or not so ye).


                                  @Danny Boi 699
                                  Octarine gives you much more HP in fight, unless you play against AA.
                                  Spectre doesn't need boots of travel.

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                                    @danni boy 699, what's firefly?? And i also did upgrade the dif blade but also used all charges. Isnt drums not as good anymore because it gives less agility?


                                      butterfly, my bad. 6 less agility but the early game mana regen is worth + the active is still strong... once you are out of charges then sell it. but only build it if it would work well for the game, otherwise keep as windlace.


                                        couldnt be more wrong on the octarine... spectre has one spell with 200 dmg so 50 lifesteal and 425 health... soul booster nerf. heart gives 45 strength. 45 X 20 = 900. so 900 HP just from the strength... and 250 health from just the item and a passive 4.75% Health regen... way off.


                                          I would have built butterfly as 6th item personally not saying it's best choice just what I would have done , maybe force antimage to buy an mkb which he would hate to do .


                                            I like the synergy between a heart and butterfly

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                                              ^dont forget the synergy along with the 17% debuff accuracy with the radiance^


                                                Also don't forget if you have a lot of gold late game you can buy a refresher and leave it in your stash. Then you make sure youre in the fountain at the start of a fight; Haunt, pick up refresher, refresh, put refresher back, haunt again and reality in on the second haunt.
                                                I'd personally get Refresher and moon shard before BOTs 2.

                                                Also never sell your Diff blade. With haunt and manta it gives you more DPS then pretty much anything else.


                                                  ^ Damn, good pro tip right there.


                                                    Ultra late game :

                                                    Refreser on your stash


                                                    Reality + manta on ez hero

                                                    Die on purpose ( burn disperse )

                                                    Haunt again by refreser



                                                      Moon Shard? You bought an MKB with only 1 item that gave you any AS. MKB works best with attack speed.
                                                      And you should get a Butterfly over the Moon Shard for the extra Attack Speed, Damage, and evasion. None of their carries invested into an MKB, so that looks like it was the better option. You can also eat your moon shard to pick up an Aegis after the Rosh.

                                                      Yeah, pay attention to the late game refreshers. Its pretty great for other heroes when you are already 6 slotted, like DP and NP (only if you go Aghs).

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                                                      King Aenarion

                                                        IMHO late game Spectre pretty much has the following build against that much late game

                                                        1 - Treads or phase
                                                        2 - Heart
                                                        3 - Manta
                                                        4 - Butterfly
                                                        5 - Radiance
                                                        6 - MKB

                                                        Consumed Moon Shard, Refresher in Fountain, Buyback on Hand.

                                                        Unless you exhausted multiple buybacks, with that amount on GPM in that game you should be relatively close to that.

                                                        Drop a damage item of your choice (probs MKB), carry Aegis. Smoke with team. Initiate, dive in headlong and have them burn as much as possible on you with the Aegis. Respawn, ulti, have them continue to blow as much as possible on you while your team skirts around the edges looking for the best way to add to the fight. Die again. Buy back, pick up your MKB, refresh, ulti again.

                                                        Endless Autumn

                                                          BoT , Abysal , Heart , Manta , Diffus , MKB , Refresh , Abyssal , BoT2. all item u need in late..... Yeap Abysal cuz contain VG you need in start game


                                                            Ur items are fuckign awful


                                                              Listen to King Aenarion... not soultrap lol.


                                                                Thanks for the tips everyone. In a team fight, do I focus down the supports first? I did so in the first few fights but then AM and riki would just screw my entire team over because SF was a potato and couldn't fight back


                                                                  that is purely situational, in your game, i would make sure to get necrophos out of the way before he can use ultimate, as well as make sure that silencer doesn't get to sit back, cast AoE and spam his W, otherwise that is too much dmg and disable/kill potential in early team fight.

                                                                  beyond just that, make sure you are pushing the lane and have correct positioning for team fight. I saw you only had 1.2k tower dmg while the necrophos on the other team had the same (just to put things in perspective you are doing the same TD as necrophos). Tower control will help alot with teammates being able to tp into fights and being able to deny their team from TP'ing into fights, especially around the rosh pit.

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