General Discussion

General DiscussionEcho Sabre Megathread

Echo Sabre Megathread in General Discussion

    Seeing as there are a lot of threads debating the effectiveness of Echo Sabre on different heroes I've decided to list every Melee hero and how well Echo synergyses with them. Ranking is:
    1 - Terrible; 2 - No real benefit; 3 - Some Synergy; 4 - Potentially quite good; 5 - Quite good.
    The rankings are based on the passive Double-attack, NOT on the stats it provides. Please leave your opinions and let me know if there are things I've overlooked.

    Abaddon - 2
    Alchemist - 2
    Anti-mage - 3 Okay with Manabreak and AM is natural bash-builder
    Axe - 2
    Beastmaster - 2
    Bloodseeker - 2
    Bounty Hunter - 2 However does slightly increase burst potential.
    Brewmaster - 3 First crit guaranteed but does offer chance to get fast second crit.
    Bristleback - 2
    Broodmother - 2
    Centaur Warrunner - 2
    Chaos Knight - 4 Synergy with crit. Would be 5 if illusions got double attack.
    Clockwerk - 2
    Darkseer - 2
    Doom - 2
    Dragon Knight - 1 You want to fight in dragon form, and wont get double attack then.
    Earth Spirit - 2
    Earth Shaker - 2 Although it does lt you get a second attack off during the stun duration.
    Eldar Titan - 3 Might let you burst down a hero if you have lots of damage from the spirit.
    Ember Spirit - 1 Ember doesn't want to manfight people and you don't get double attack in sleight of fist.
    Faceless Void - 4 Nice Synergy with bash. Good (5) on Offlane Void but Carry Void would rather have a more agility based item.
    Juggernaut - 3 Synergy with crit but not best item for an agi carry. Don't know if it works in Omnislash. If it does it might be ranked a 4.
    Kunkka - 2/3 Kunkka builds crits so some synergy but does nothing much for hero in general.
    Legion Commander - 2
    Lifestealer - 3 Works okay with feast to heal a lot of HP in a short burst.
    Lone Druid 1/4 Terrible on Hero. May be worth getting for bear. Works well with Entangle.
    Lycan - 3 Nice synergy with crit. Only really useful when in wolf form.
    Magnus - 3 Can work with cleave on a core magnus to burst people during RP stun.
    Meepo - 1 Clones don't get double attack.
    Naga Siren - 2
    Night Stalker - 2
    Nyx Assassin - 2 Slightly increases burst damage.
    Ogre Magi - 2
    Omniknight - 2
    Phantom Assassin - 3 Works well with crit but it wastes a blink strike attack.
    Phantom Lancer - 3 Increases chance to make illusions but he never had a problem with that anyway.
    Pudge - 2
    Riki - 4 Works with Cloak and Dagger, Diff blade and crits if he buys them. Greatly increases burst damage.
    Sand King - 2
    Slardar - 5 Pretty effective with bash.
    Slark - 4 Gets stolen agi faster.
    Spectre - 3 Synergy with Diff blade and Desolate.
    Spirit Breaker - 5 Effective with bash, better value then attack speed due to his 1.9 BAT.
    Sven - 4 Situationally good when you need to do damage in a very short amount of time. Good vs heroes like QOP with escapes.
    Terrorblade - 1 You want to fight with metamorphosis when you are ranged so won't provide much benefit.
    Tidehunter - 2
    Timbersaw - 1 Your ult stops you attacking so you won't benefit from this at all.
    Tiny - 4 Does a lot of damage and attacks slowly so Echo is a cheaper substitute for attack speed. Hero also likes burst damage.
    Treant Protector - 2 I guess you do have a lot of base damage but not really worth it.
    Troll warlord - 3 Gets you that second fervour stack faster but doesn't work in ranged mode.
    Tusk - 2
    Undying -2
    Ursa - 3 Gets an extra fury swipe stack but wastes an overpower attack.
    Wraith King - 5 Good with Crit and gives a burst of heal with lifesteal. You also generally need to burst people in your stun duration.

    Let me know your opinions. I may be wrong on some things and may have overlooked others.


      magi would be 1 , who want build and right click item for him tough?


        I generally put 2 for any hero like magi that it doesn't do much for and 1 for heroes where its particularly bad like Timber who is literally unable to attack most of the time.

        Optimus Drip

          Forgot zues. Which is a one.


            ursa should be a 2. you get no benefit from the active and the stats arent good for him.

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                When do you buy it on sven? after s&y+blink or b4?


                  if you get it on sven, you skip the sny


                    Spectre very good with echo sabre? For real?


                      Oh and i tried riki echo sabre casting cloak and dagger, it does proc the item but somehow only deals one backstab damage on that instant.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Why is it good on spectre? For pickoffs? Seems lackluster in a fight when spec wants better stat items for illusions or utility.

                        And it's ownage on troll. No one will ever agree with me but it is. You will kill people so fast after your opening and it's quite the farming item.

                        Wraith king it's good just cus the stats and regen, you won't have to worry about mana, and the double hit works for hit.

                        I was going to say you're insane for recommending it on ck but then I thought about it. Ck has major mana issues, both regen and pool. For this reason a lot of people used to build drum. You could still go drum, but for another 900g you get regen too and the extra attack, better stats. Maybe it's not so bad. I still feel like it is but who knows.


                          I tried it on jug and it was pretty good, actually

                          ASSESS Product

                            @kotl What you mean? Backstab animation or its dmg?

                            SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                              You guys forgot RGC magi build xD Lothar's Edge, Mjolnir, Blademail, SnY or Skadi build to melt RGC meta heroes like SF. Silver Edge, Mjolnir and Echo Sabre would be nice on magi tho it will result in 12 reports and 2 LP matches for doing it..


                                I think there are just too many items Spectre really wants to find space for an Echo sabre.

                                @Dire Wolf I don't play CK but I know he can pull people in and blow them up before they have a chance to react, especially if he gets a crit off. Echo might help him do that better but I don't play him so I don't know if its actually any good. If the Illusions got that second attack it would be amazing on him.

                                Oscar Mayer Weaver

                                  Riki should be a 5. tranquil boots to echo means you never go back to base, and it works with blink strike.


                                    When do u build that on spectre? After phase, urn, basic item(poor mn shield,magic stick,etc)? And what the best minute mark to get this item on spectre?do u still build drum on spectre?
                                    Sory for my bad english.


                                      everyone's getting it on slark nowadays, its kind of a defsult itembuild.
                                      im not going to judge it cz i never tried it myself, though.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        Great for lc. Ck. Spec. Riki....


                                          ^ur a shame for every gangsta out here.

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            Seems good on Riki and slark so far . Prob good on Sven .

                                            Miku Plays

                                              lc = 0 echo saber is just trash on her.

                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                I agree with the weeb. Echo on lc is an utter waste, I have tested it many times, it's better to get attack speed. Plus her E is pretty much echo saber with less cooldown and more "echo sabering". With LC you just need to build tank/speed attack items. Though in my games as LC with echo, it did help when E wouldn't proc.

                                                It's actually very awesome on Sven. As a Sven player (I feel bad when I play sven since I win a lot with him) I highly recommend it, it's even great in late game. Just build that, bkb, Helm of Dom, crit stick, start piling corpses on the terrain.


                                                  sven is a great echo saber carrier. i feel all heroes that has high damage but slow attack speed need this. this is why i think echo sabre is trash because he really doesnt need it.

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                    Why's it bad on slark, that statsteal is so good

                                                      Цей коментар було видалено

                                                        ^imo because slark has good attack speed in the first place, getting it for the 3rd of slark for 2600 gold is not ideal. saving it up for a butterfly or skadi maybe better

                                                        A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                          Slark does not have good attack speed


                                                            @0.0 i'm noooooob. nigga
                                                            But I love u. Real og

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                              Put on pudge so you double hook


                                                                I guess in next update or patch they release a new item that is echo sabre upgrade just like dragon lance, vangaurd &...

                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  I've tried it on tiny and it didn't work out so well but my team fucking sucked both games. They flamed me hard for building it but idk. The mana regen was amazing on a mana starved hero like tiny

                                                                  I'm on the right team

                                                                    Amazing that you rely on echosaber for tiny, that hero barely have enough slots for other item before the item even created.
                                                                    Facless void and WK also shares the same problem, there are other items that suit their slots better.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                      Цей коментар було видалено
                                                                      so so fresh

                                                                        99% true, but not works for riki. Maybe you think this is cool, +1 hit in smoke, but it is not. Maybe 2-3 points

                                                                        I'm on the right team

                                                                          @random hero useful for riki because it synergise with his ulti, the smoke is just extra


                                                                            Slark + Echo Sabre = Cancer

                                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                              I'm going to try it on Tiny. He is mana hungry, and when I get aghs it'll bust down buildings that much faster. :thinking:

                                                                              so so fresh

                                                                                @I'm on the right team
                                                                                By synergy you mean one more hit, right? Look: dagger > 2 hits > smoke > ult (cd on sabre). Just like I said. And normal item (crystalys, for example) will give you more damage in general.


                                                                                  how about bashing guys like slardar/bara/troll

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    You can always fucking sell the item later... If you go tiny I imagine you go like treads, echo, blink/shadowblade, aghs. Then you still have two slots left before you start selling shit. Mainly it fixes your mana issues early and the extra hit is just a big bonuses when wrecking towers/bursting people. Would you say drums is shit on tiny cus you won't keep it into end game? It's like having drums and aquila in one.

                                                                                    People are building the item on sven and sven has way more slot issues than tiny.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      I like it a ton on troll cus it's like instant 3 stacks of fervor when you init on someone I think... I think you always start with 1, then first attack really gets you to 2, then the echo attack. I might be wrong though, maybe you really do start at 0. Either way it gets those stacks up really quick so it's like having an extra 30 IAS on the item for troll.


                                                                                        For Riki: I tried it. Wasn't amazing like some people say but the second attack before they realise you're there and are forced to ult ensures some kills that would otherwise have been lost.

                                                                                        For Tiny: I think on ganking Tiny you still go Blink before Echo.

                                                                                        For Troll: You should start with 0 fervor stacks unless they changed it. Still its a nice cheap way to get the stacks and if you bash during that double attack they're basically dead.

                                                                                        John Smith

                                                                                          PA should be 5, my build look like this

                                                                                          Tango + Wraith band

                                                                                          Phase boot + blight stone + Ob of venom ~ lvl7: with max dagger at this point you can crit ~1/2 HP of a squishy SP from miles away and blink in for the kill when you have the chance

                                                                                          Then rush Echo Sabre: the mana regen work well with PA's low MP consumption and you basically never have to worry about it later, it's built from 1/2 an orchid after all

                                                                                          Next is a bash, dagger count as melee att now so with a lucky dagger you can bash and crit bonus the -2 armor and venom poison from the real of the fight, only to blink in, double hit someone with low HP and bash them to dead

                                                                                          Sabre with 4s cd work well with PA's low cd skill - dagger 6s, blink max at 5s

                                                                                          for survival late game you can go bkb/lifesteal - work well with echo sabre or go for more damage if you're owning: deso/butter

                                                                                          I find the combo: echo sabre - bash - deso - Vlad work most of the time

                                                                                          Another build is go for Fury, dagger the closest enemy and see the one behind him suffer


                                                                                            Whoa when you feel bad winning that's when you know you're enjoying the game of dota.

                                                                                              Цей коментар було видалено

                                                                                                Can you imagine double daggers from echo lol.

                                                                                                John Smith

                                                                                                  And a Echo sabre make LH super Ez, you really can't miss it

                                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                    Just want to say that echo sabre doesn't work with dagger (no double hits, just MS slow), but the rest of the stats seem OK for PA.

                                                                                                    The thing is, if you're going for early game aggression (so no BF), you'd go for Vanguard + Basi, which both upgrade to really good items for PA (and for the same cost), so in my opinion, this seems like the better choice.