General Discussion

General Discussionglobal hero counter

global hero counter in General Discussion

    Spectre,zeus and nature prophet in enemy team.. how to counter..

    everytime i see enemy team 1st pick spec/zeus/np, i know they gonna play global kill.. what hero best to counter this..


      Global silence counter global. Lol


        To make it worst silence also in enemy team..people in 3.5k above really want win and doesnt care about hero pick anymore.. i play 3 or 4 game straight with enemy pick global hero combo spec/zeus/np..


          If it was Spec, NP, or Io, I usually pick Disruptor. Glimpse when they teleports, it's annoying af

          If it was Zeus, make your hp pool larger. Even double bracers or drums help

          If it was AA ult or Invoker's sunstrike, dont go straight, juke hard lol

          Also dont wander alone, global hero or not, unless you have some idea where the enemies are and it is safe

          *preparing for "lol normal skill player what do you know, git gud nubs"*

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            Usually when enemy team pick spec, i will pick np or zeus, and when they pick zeus i will pick np or spec and most of the time i can win the game..if i continue do this i only can play 3 heroes..thats the only way so far


              g l o b a l s k i l l i s o p v o l v o n e r f p l z



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                  Pointy Shoes

                    Assume enemy team has NP, Zeus and Spectre.

                    Pick Spirit breaker. He counters both NP and Zeus pretty well. Since both NP and Spectre are kinda late and zeus doesnt have that much HP I suggest you go an early mid push strat with SB, Undying, Dazzle, Jakiro and vengeful. After about 10 mins just go all 5 and push mid until you win. Don't even bother to defend side lanes.

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