General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are Americans bad at dota?

Why are Americans bad at dota? in General Discussion
Boyet King

    haha yeah


      too much burger?

      EG rekt
      Secret rekt


        EUwest is the strongest server. USeast is the next strongest server. EUeast and USwest are both vastly weaker. These two servers are stronger because they offer low pings to players on three continents. China would compete with the top two for MMR strength, but actually does not because it is separated. The servers that have the lowest pings for the most players attract the largest number of the best players. This is why their MMRs are higher.

        It has been this way for years. Back before MMR was revealed I did a wide survey of many hundreds of "first page" players to compare MMRs across the world. 75% of the top MMRs were already on EUwest at that time, USeast was second with about 15%, everyone else was 5% or less. People just choose to play on the better server regardless of where they live.

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