General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the hero you want to be buffed or be nerfed the most?

Who is the hero you want to be buffed or be nerfed the most? in General Discussion

    For me,
    Buff sf
    Nerf Sven
    I want sf to have no soul limitation.

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    Swap Commends

      It has to be miracle right ? right ?

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          Plz Nerf Miracle, he is not human, you can Nerf invoker but u can't Nerf miracle, M-God 8700 mmr vs certain pro player,
          it has to be miracle, right? right?
          Is this a meme now?

          stupid fuck 2000

            Buff storm some more pls, thanks.

            Pale Mannie

              The hero who gets my nerf to death is Slark

              And the hero who gets the gamebreaking buff is Shadow Shaman

              Because fuck Slark he gets picked only by enemy team in all patches along i played

              And I gotta have those 3 Str and Agi gain and 1k cast range followed by 700 attack range for my Ganja Man


                All I want is a storm buff and probably fuck up lina, so 1 less counter I guess x)

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Buff techies
                  idk, game is pretty balanced to me, slark could use a little nerf.

                  Impervious to Nailguns

                    Morphling. Buff morph. Nerf heroes that counter Morph.

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      Keep heroes with arcana sets playable so you make more money


                        Nerf lifestealer and tinker
                        Buff pa

                        Happy Pill <3

                          Buff Brew. He's been a situational pick at most for the past couple of years. I think it's time for his turn to be the flavor of the month/patch.


                            I want more Weaver buffs.

                            I also want a Viper rework. To me, it seems like his skillset will only get weaker and weaker as more stuff gets added to the game.

                            Nerf...I don't know, Slark or Storm Spirit I guess. They are dicks.


                              Buff Spectre. It doesn't have anything to do with my name


                                Buff Beastmaster and Nyx.
                                Nerf Lich. Ffs, please nerf him. Nerf Aghs will rape NS games. Believe me, no one is smart / quick enough to run away from flying orbs (after Agh's).

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                                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                  nerf everything dont touch sf, mirana, pa, tinker, am, jugg buff sniper, seeker, drow, pa, venge, ta, luna, troll

                                  I want some oldschool 5 carry doto :)

                                  Oh and bring old naix back, playing him was so relaxing. Totally ruined the hero with this open wounds/infest thing, who even bothers playing a hero with 3 active skills

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                                    buff broodmother.


                                      Nerf slark, buff kotl.

                                      Best Treant EU

                                        techies need a strong buff
                                        kotl needs buff
                                        pa needs buff
                                        ah and of course arc warden -> wtf happened to him..


                                          buff weaver's mana starting & gain,, also defense,, OP him!

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            Buff pudge hook range to 2500


                                              buff invoker nerf sladar

                                              acc buyers in my team

                                                buff meepo, brewmaster, PL, weaver
                                                Nerf Slark

                                                and reowrk PA + ember, both heroes so useless,not even funny.

                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                  I wish meepo can use bkb and mkb truestrike too on special conditions, maybe like have his max duration bkb on 8 seconds and minimum at 4. It's not like he gains so much from these items anyway. If anything, he's sacrificing item slots with these if ever he gets these tweaks.

                                                  acc buyers in my team

                                                    Are you fucking serious?
                                                    Bkb on all meepos would literally make meepo the most broken hero in the game. He is already the hardest rightclicker, giving him magic immunity would be a fucking bad joke.


                                                      sniper, i dont know how, not to make him cancer but viable in some cases

                                                      brendlol, my anaconda don't

                                                        PA DOES NOT NEED A BUFF okay guys!?


                                                          she needs 3 more base dmg


                                                            wtf is up with 70% win rate elder titan in below 2k brackets tho

                                                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                              I was thinking something like if the main meepo uses bkb, all other meepo clones gain avatar buff just within a 600 unit radius. If any of them step out, they lose the buff. Plus, its not like having a bkb would be healthy for his right clicks. He IS already short on slots with his core items aghs, choice of boots and a dagger. Virtually any carry is broken with a bkb, and meepo without one feels ao broken the other way. Heck, a bkb-less alch built with carry items does more shit than meepo as he is now.

                                                              ASSESS Product

                                                                bcoz they never try to run or late to react when stomp incoming.

                                                                acc buyers in my team

                                                                  No, just fucking no.

                                                                  Meepo has insane rightclicks with blink, aghs, and PT alone. If meepo would get the BKB radius, that would make the hero beyond broken. Sure you would 'waste' 1 slot,but here is the thing, you would literally remove every single counter from meepo as well. Meepo would be BROKEN.

                                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                    Thing is, meepo now is countered by EVERYONE. he is extremely niche to be pickable in almost any match. playing meepo against currently meta-popular heroes like invoker, slark, alch, sven, batrider, vs support, rexxar, doom, lc etc means near automatic lose. My proposed version of bkb on meepo is considerably weak already. Okay, maybe 600 radius might be too much. 450 might be just okay, then bkb max duration at 7 secs should be good enough to avoid late game bkb abuse.

                                                                    acc buyers in my team

                                                                      What the hell is wrong with you?
                                                                      Meepo is especially strong against alch, bat, supports, rexxar, doom and LC. The only heroes meepo is really weak against is Timber and sven.

                                                                      The rest is situational. Whoever plays better wins.


                                                                        BUFF MEEPO

                                                                        NET 2500 RANGE AND 250 SECOND ROOT
                                                                        POOF 250 DAMAGE (500 TO SELF)
                                                                        GEOSTRIKE 250 DAMAGE PER TICK AND 250% SLOW
                                                                        DIVIDED WE STAND 250 MEEPOS (2500 WITH AGHS)


                                                                          Terror and storm are one buff away from being OP. We defenetly dont want that. Maybe buff PA really. Like she needs some huge buffs.


                                                                            Remember when keepo ulti gave keepo less respawn time ...goodolddays

                                                                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                              Meepo is pretty broken in the right hands, I literally give the lowest amount of ****s humanly possible about the pro scene, but in <6k pubs you can have 60%+ winrate with this hero and you don't have to be a legendary meepo player just a decent one. Also 95% of the carry heroes are food for him, how is he countered by everyone. Every 30 mins I see somewhere a "buff meepo omgbbq" topic and some of them are made by 5k+ players. How is that even possible?

                                                                              Meepo is buffed in dota 2 and even more in dota reborn because of the new mechanics. He was almost impossible to play back in dota 1 because of the wc3 autoattack and lack of good hotkey programs. I've been playing dota 1 for 7 years before moving to dota 2 and I remember only 1 good meepo player. But in dota 2 he is at least 3x easier to master (because the game is a lot more micro friendly) so some 200+ games meepo players can tell to themselves at night how good they are while playing 3-5k dumb pubs which probably my hamster.... you know the story

                                                                              Also "meepo is still hard to play cuz many micro much skill"? Rly? Try to win a game with meepo in 4k+ and then try to win a game with sniper (or something like that) and tell me which is harder? I honestly consider myself as an average player but whatever I do, I won't be able to win a single game with sniper even in a 4k mmr bracket and I am pretty sure that I can have at least 50% winrate with meepo (considering that I have like 10 games on that hero). I literally am going to respect more a 50% winrate ~5k mmr sniper player (if they still exist) than a 70% meepo abuser.

                                                                              Idk, he is probably in my list "heroes that should be deleted from the game" so my opinion is driven by some form of hatred, but I have the right to share it and I won't argue again with meepo spammers and "how hard the life of a meepo player is in 6.87".

                                                                              (A4e) ブルー将軍

                                                                                Sniper aghs nerf spec


                                                                                  Buff all heroes for 10 patches straight. 4head


                                                                                    Meepo gets his ass kicked by most of aoe damage supports.
                                                                                    Lich,Sk,ES,Wd,Rhasta etc

                                                                                    ASSESS Product

                                                                                      Sniper aghs now do 360 no scope for 500 dmg. 17% to do 720 no scope for 1k dmg.


                                                                                        Shadow Fiend was hit way too hard in 6.86, maybe a small buff for him. Buff SD (maybe rework or replace shadow poison completely, that skill sucks ass... give him a normal nuke/silence/stun), Treant (I don't know about this one, but he just seems not to work), Elder Titan (I want to see that hero in more that 1/200 games) and Timbersaw (He's super fun to watch and what I've heard, to also play. Just not quite viable in most cases). I never had a problem with OD, but now he's completely gone so why is Invoker not? Kill Invoker as well, I don't want to see that guy in the next few months.

                                                                                        Slark is super powerful, but not exactly broken. Maybe something small, but not too harsh. Sven requires way too much attention, not sure how to nerf him though.

                                                                                        Then... fucking Techies. He's not actually fun to play, he's not fun to play against, he's not fun to play with. Just remove him, I don't want to ban him every time to make sure I'm going to have fun playing.


                                                                                          Nerf the fcking fountain so i can destroy it like old time.


                                                                                            Ikr, destroying the fountain is so satisfying in dota1.

                                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                                              Nerf invoker more that hero is so goddamn annoying.

                                                                                              Buff sniper. Shrapnel still has way too long of a recharge.


                                                                                                Buff Elder Titan, His stomp will do every single disable in the game in one second but the sleep duration is the same because y not and also make his ult debuffs non purgable by bkb and shit, also buff the briefcase


                                                                                                  Who it buffs and who it nerfs, we'll leave that discussion to posterity, but I'd like to see what happens if a tome of experience drops from towers you kill. And guess what? While obviously not usable by the team whose tower it came from, it is deniable.

                                                                                                  That might be fun.

                                                                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                                    Sniper with aghs: he shoots a giant lazer beam that does 1000 pure damage and ministuns in a 1000 distance.