General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you think Slark deserves a nerf?

Do you think Slark deserves a nerf? in General Discussion
Swap Commends

    My pre 6.87 slark winrate was 48% now it is 51%.More than half of the games he is banned or picked.This is the same slark in all patches,untouched,so what makes him a bit OP this patch?
    Imo there are two major factors :
    1.Trends.As I recall he was picked even before 6.87 & even before that.The hero is pubstar in most tiers.So what makes ppl tend to pick him?That's number 2 reason
    2.The Items.Silver edge is now a more go to item for slark,utilizes him & makes him even more stable.Which also helps u to get skadi faster.
    So imo its only the items,not the nature of the hero.
    Thoughts ?


      well, his winrate has been consistently dropping since the latest patch so i dont get the point of this thread

      Swap Commends
        Until 5k he is doing fine


          he's pretty balanced and can't do anything if u counter pick him


            Nerf a hero with 51% winrate! He isn't even been buffed


              well then, pick riki and proceed to destroy him.


                Shit man we had to endure Leshrac and Spectre for months, Slark isn't even close to them I hope he stays untouched. Agree 100% with points 1+2, your item build ups just feel good imo. No aoe to rek him in ulti


                  Pretty sure he doesn't.

                  Fee Too Pee

                    Anyone agree this patch feels very comfortable like literally balanced without too cancerous / OP heroes? Because literally so many heroes get picked not only invoker OD and spectre

                    Dire Wolf

                      Invoker still gets picked every game he's not banned. Not nerfed enough

                      OK BOOMERS

                        It's true that Slark is pretty damn strong. He has very good escape mechanism, high damage and wonderful at late game. But slark is easily countered by many heroes. People can just lock and burst him down quickly. So, i don't think it really needs a nerf.


                          Who do you really hate to play against as Slark? For me it's faceless void, time dilation is a pain and overextending vs chrono can cause huge throws.


                            Void is like the ultimate slark counter.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                            Pale Mannie

                              aoe fucks him
                              magic burst fucks him
                              timing fucks him
                              zoning him out fucks him


                                I think lc and bs are also good counters

                                Player 175043649

                                  you can counter slark easily why would you nerf him

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    The only reason his win rate went up is because more people are picking him, that's all, better players are picking him and doing well in ranked. (unranked doesn't count, cause he just stomps unranked due to worse players and no wards, everyone knows this) Why are they are picking him? Cause most carries before him have been nerfed in the past few patches in one way or another, he's been untouched, and many of the new items compliment his play style, so of course he's picked more. It could be a trend for all we know honestly, remember all the Alchemist mid in 6.85? Yeah, by time 6.86 came, everyone kind of realized he was never that good to begin with, and over hyped. Slark is just Slark, he's not even picked like crazy at the majors, remember AM in 6.84? HE WAS PICKED ALMOST EVERY GAME, Slark isn't even close to that AM pro pick/ban rate. But then again, that's not a good comparison, cause AM wasn't actually OP, he was just very good in that magic heavy meta now that I think of it. Slark might get a small nerf or two by the end of this patch if I know IceFrog though. :(
                                    Even with the small nerfs he MIGHT get (knowing ice frog) at the end of the patch, he will go back to being a pub stomper, and nothing more, which i'm totally fine with.

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      AM was picked a lot in 6.84 because he countered storm and Lesh. Now that a lot of tanky heroes are popular, Slark is picked more since he is a good counter to tanky heroes since he can steal more stats.

                                      Also he's going to get nerfed because people are complaining about him. OD had about 51% winrate and got nerfed to hell because people complained about him. Slark has 52% winrate at the moment and people are complaining about him... Not that I mind, I hate playing against that thing.

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        Yeah, I know.

                                        Storm, Leshrac, Lina, Queen, SF, he does well against them.


                                          I think that Debuff should be done only on last tick of Q. He will be fine then.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I don't like playing against slark as spectre or sniper. That's about it.

                                              Цей коментар було видалено
                                              Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                I ve lost my last game with slark, so no (top logic) but now serious, idk why you guys think he is better than 6.86, look at his winrate at 5k+ and how is even 51% average winrate considered as OP and why everyone keeps building echo saber on him its not a 100% bad item but huh, its not like buying it on sven or tiny.

                                                Also slark is fun (some may disagree but it's okay to keep such heroes in the game), 1 more nerf and along with sniper they will be the benchwarming heroes in 4k+

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                  Axe just destroyed him for laning stage to late game seriously not even funny


                                                    i think he needs to be not nerfed, but reworked


                                                      What % does a hero have to be to be nerfed?

                                                      Omniknight has been close to 60% winrate for years. But he's trash in the pro scene.


                                                        He is balanced in pro games and that's what matters most, and even there he's a niche pick. As of April he has a 18.9% pick and ban rate and a 42% winrate in games where he was drafted.

                                                        Outside of that he's not exactly a monster either. Currently he has a 52%ish winrate in pubs which seems adequate.

                                                        Guy Riki

                                                          Slark needs buff. Maybe increase strength and agility gain to 4 per level.


                                                            He's fine, only mentaly retarded people think he needs nerf. Just because you don't know how to deal with the hero, it doesn't mean he's overpowered.

                                                            par73 KB24 | GTUBE

                                                              i think maybe if OP gets a buff he will realize a hero like slark won't ever deserve a nerf because players with more experience/coordination know how to deal with a slark instead of allowing him to PUBSTAR 101 LEEROY JENKINS FRIED CHICKEN


                                                                stick, aoe, tankiness win vs slark.


                                                                  Nerf the damn fish to the ground! xD

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                    No he doesn't need nerf. He needs a buff because he is weak early game.. That's unfair IMO. And also slark needs an arcana !!!


                                                                      And, to respond to the topic, yeah, slark need a nerf since his bullshit remake of ult (he doesn't need a nerf as harsh a doom though).

                                                                      It's just that now most of the bullshit heroes that were pinning him in the ground have been nerfed to normal value

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                      ASSESS Product

                                                                        alche still bullshit too.

                                                                        Final Boss

                                                                          so would anyone here like to tell us what exactly does counter slark?

                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                            besides ofc legion commander who is also OP atm

                                                                            Final Boss

                                                                              as for people who say "jungle legion is shit", she isn't expect for maybe in america where the legion commander is waiting for an initiation from a fucking anti mage lol, lc can get a blink by 6-8 min if left uninterrupted which she will be if her team is semi-decent they will know how to protect a jungling lc and after that all she needs to do is gank mid which results in an ez duel victory for her and she pretty much snowballs from there.

                                                                              Final Boss

                                                                                also imboker still op


                                                                                  Antimage is a counter , blood seeker is a pseudo counter since he makes game more annoying for slark player slowing down his snow ball . Ultimate counter might be void . Riki counters. Aoe damage counters .


                                                                                    disruptor works pretty good vs him, he can purge your thunderstrike and its annoying but if you can sneak a good glimpse into field + storm hes pretty much dead.

                                                                                    Final Boss

                                                                                      slark will still outcarry pretty much any of them when he gets his items which he should considering how farm dependant these heroes are

                                                                                      Final Boss

                                                                                        yea disruptor is a good counter

                                                                                        Final Boss

                                                                                          what about lc tho?

                                                                                          Final Boss

                                                                                            also wtf are you supposed to do when your team is full of braindead pinoys who pick sniper and drow when the enemy has a slark, legion, invoker, slardar, windranger.


                                                                                              U cant counter slark just by picking, u have to be better than him with that counter pick, other wise, he will win none the less. So if you are better than him, u can help your cores by picking disruptor, shaker, nyx, shadow demon, etc.