General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting out of 3k mmr

Getting out of 3k mmr in General Discussion
Dude Just fucking play

    So my friend insists that his teammates are awful so can you point him to right direction to get better and get out of 3k


      I don't know man, but anything above 3k is just like that, everyone magnifies others mistakes while justifying their owns. I wish I do that less too. Anyway there are many things to be improved in DotA not just some simple instructions "do X then Y" and you suddenly becomes 5k. So the best thing is to ask him look at his own replays and try to spot mistakes as if he is trying to pick on his other teammates mistake during a real match (Kappa).

      Of course asking other people to pick on your friend is one way too, be it a replay or live game. Good luck for that, and you are probably in the right place to look for these people.

      Цей коментар був відредагований
      Dude Just fucking play

        Ty u very much

        Make America Great Again

          stop playin on russian server. 49%winrate


            Figure out what heroes he is actually good at, and play those heroes. Almost all of his most played heroes are below 50% win rate. It's easy to think you're good at a hero when you actually aren't.

            Eternal Meow

              He can't make his team mates play better. He should only focus on his own play style because that's the only thing he has control of. However if he's dissing his team while playing it will make them all play even worse.

              Dude Just fucking play

                Ty guys he is coming to right mind he is very big flamer :) he even flames people for not denying

                Цей коментар був відредагований
                Speak English, Pick Stuns

                  Play op offlane and jungle heroes. Most 3k players can't counter that.

                  Putins Price Hike

                    the best chance to get out of 3k is to pick a core and drag ur 4 team mates to a win. just do that 100 or so times and u could end up in a good mmr.