General Discussion

General Discussionranked...

ranked... in General Discussion

    How do I get 3 games in a row where i get retarded Americans who just feed from the start?

    Like I don't even have a fucking chance to win.

    What the fuck valve. and then I get reported for actually caring about the game and trying to win..

    Fuck this shit


      You have no items, you are trying how?


        While I understand that sometimes u may get shitty team mates, I myself rage a lot too (mostly at myself for playin like shit). I still dont get how you get reported that much. I mostly get commends..


          its gg from the the start you stupid fuck. My god. how can one player carry a team who just feeds? huh you stupid shit. So you're a dumbass who should just take your own life cause you're so god damn stupid.

          I understand sometimes. but 3 fucking games in a row with the same shit in ranked. that's fucking bullshit


            Klinkz, 18 mins, cs 12-0, KDA 0-0-0
            Klinkz, 21 mins, cs 9-0, KDA 0-1-2

            Are you talking about these games? You're right - you don't even have a fucking chance to win.

            Swap Commends

              Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf Paid smurf


                That 0/32 tinker hahah


                  can someone tell me what cs means?


                    last hits retard. why even try when there is no chance to win.

                    All want is to play fucking balanced games. I would understand losing if my team actually gave me a chance to win. But every time i lose is because of idiots who have no fucking clue how to play and don't give me a fucking chance.

                    Why do so many retards play dota?

                    Heck, why did God even create these fucking retarded shits?


                      Even if I tried and got cs. I can't do shit against 5 players who get fed because of my retarded fucking teammates.

                      How I wish I could be 5 players. Instead of having to deal with 3 or 4 retards every single game


                        and then i get a jugg. who doesn't even know how to jugg. goes manta staight into abyssal. no fucking attack speed. Jesus


                          @ tricky
                          last hit

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            Maybe try win games 1vs9
                            Pick heros like am or sven


                              considering that dota is a 5 player game. Very hard. And things actually have to work out perfectly in order to carry 4 retards


                                Me same too bracket 2k mmr , the player are fucking shit , but when i played in my real account in 3k+ , its different already , some people know they role , but sometimes , they are still a fucking retards everywhere


                                  Why do you think I took a break?


                                    Look at my last game. 4 retarded shits who have no concept of the game/don't know how to play.

                                    And then I get fucking reported by these retards and get LP.

                                    System is so fucked


                                      it pisses me the fuck off. When I call for safelane. and then some retards takes my lane. and doesn't do fucking anything.

                                      Like fuck.. i legit want to find every single retard and fucking kill them. I would fucking enjoy that shit.

                                      Seriously though. What the fuck went through God's head when he decided to create so many retarded fucks. Fucking insane


                                        If it bothers you that much I would strongly suggest you find something else to do with your time. When you're ready then you can comeback to the game.


                                          I have nothing better to do right now anyway. the amount of dumb fucks is insane. they might as well all die because it proves that they have no fucking brain and therefore its a waste of a fucking life. All the money thrown at them for nothing because they are so god damn stupid. hahahah fucking retarded shits.


                                            Saying "fuck" over and over again, doesn't make you seem cooler or more like an adult.

                                            You're just a paid smurf, crying to an online forum where no one cares.


                                              System is very screwed, but its one of 2 things u can do: quit the game, get so good that you can balance these retards out. You wont be able to change the system, its a system meant to "sell tickets" not to improve the game quality...


                                                Did the DB staff really remove the function to report users? Or did they just remove it for me because I reported several people like the OP here?


                                                  No need to report if he speaks the truth...


                                                    A report system is in place for keeping people out of discussions if they don't know how to behave, it has nothing to do with the matter at hand (similar to how in-game reports are not there for punishing bad plays or picks - a concept that few players seem to grasp).

                                                    Also, his "truth" is regular Dunning-Krugerism.


                                                      Yestarday I managed to win a 5k avg game with 2 midders in team (sf and storm), so your arguments are invalid.


                                                        Maybe you should up your game and stop whining like a child who just discovered the word "fuck", and people would respect you more. Jesus christ your thread is toxic, bro.


                                                          cause u r not suppose to be at that bracket... stop whining and do the 1k challenge like i am doing.. in order to know ur REAL MMR u start from 1k and grind ur way to where u should stop.. just borrow 1k accounts or exchange them for a new vhs account which still needs 100 more games to calibrate


                                                            tbh you sound like a cancerous bad mannered fuck, not surprised you smurf as you seem to think you are good when evidently you do not have the mentality for the game and the ranked ladder climb....


                                                              @Parasin you're a retarded fuck obviously no actually all of you are. Why did God fucking create you stupid fucking shits.

                                                              No I'm good as fuck. Yea if I had 5 of me I would be fucking 8k fucking MMR. but na I have to get so many fucking retarded shits who bring down the level of my games. yea I smurf. because what I initially got isn't my fucking mmr. haha

                                                              No I have the mentality for this game. I play to win. But i get retard fucks who don't play to win. They play to prove how fucking dumb they are.

                                                              Look at this last fucking game. Get this fucking tidehunter. Radiance into Heart. Feeds 20 deaths. No blink, no refresher. people like this fuck are the reason I lose games. Not me. No I'm fucking good at this game. I should be playing with and against people like arteezy because I AM A FUCKING GOD AT THIS GAME


                                                                @Socram you're a retard go kill your useless fucking life


                                                                  sorry 2 say u r noob

                                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                    Ignore this ignorant crybaby.


                                                                      (Console) : Scrub LUL

                                                                      Disturbed Jawker

                                                                        Guys, my analytical trench powers tell me that this guy will be the new Miracle-. Just give him a chance SoBayed


                                                                          op is a retard, abandon this thread



                                                                              The guys is just frustrated, venting is not the best idea, but since valve ignores the need of common sense within the game, we can also ignore a bit of bad language...

                                                                              ASSESS Product

                                                                                edit: wrong post

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