General Discussion

General Discussionhow to improve my AM games

how to improve my AM games in General Discussion

    i know i am shitty player i keep getting low GPM (400-500) i know this is bad on AM i want to be able to get 600-700 gpm but i dont know how please help me :(


      Watch everyday before you go to sleep 1 pro am gameplay on youtube


        dont miss last hits
        dont die
        just being better at dota = being better am

        Mike Wazowski..!

          Your CS counts are low..even on games you win


            you need to farm real quick. to know that you need to have the correct game sense as to when is it appropriate for you to farm, where to farm and what your items will be. get help from your team to create space for you and ward where is needed (e.g.: forest). sometimes farm other side forest or lanes while your team fights, take towers ez money just dont get caught.

            watch your team as they fight as well. you might not want to keep them at 4v5 for too long so as soon as you are ready to hop in pick off some biatches do it and bam your gold skyrockets then the enemy be like "oshit it's 3am now we focking lost"

            edit: aye if your cs-ing sucks quit playing carry who NEEDS every single last hit counts

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              Steal kills with mana void
              Feels good.




                Watch Black playing anitmage (any replay) and beesa (for the vanguard instead of vlads built).

                For lower players like u and me the vang built is better, sicne it allows you to make more mistakes. Vang can save your life. Watch esp. the 2. link. Aui explaining alot about the hero and how to play it.


                  watch good player movement when they play that hero, how they farm and try to understand why are they doing it, also watch ur own and spot ur own mistakes, what you could have done better, different...

                  stupid fuck 2000

                    Learn to last hit. I checked your last game and you had 342 lh at 56 minutes and you only died twice in the entire game. That's just really bad farming considering on average you should've had at least 600 at that point with AM. Watch other people play and improve your farming patterns that way. Most simple one is when you get bf, farm lane, maybe push the t1 tower a bit if nobody is threatening you and then go clear the jungle. After that, the wave should be pushed back and you can farm it again.

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      600last hit? Serius? Farming for next match? Thats why ppl cant win with am cuz they just farm and farm and lose to enemy snowballer.
                      He come on line at 25min with bfury and manta that are his CORE ITEMS and fight and push after that cuz hes not the hardest carry and hes nothing without advantage so he want to finish game quickly or just get 6slotted and lvl 25 sooner with kills and push just to win game
                      An anti mage that cant carry and just farm jungle is useless
                      Even if rhey win there was onther carry that did the job. For getting 600cs u gonna give your team a lot of 4vs5 fights that they cant win. They feed and am cant do anything
                      That play style is good at pro games or such but in normal skill thats really bad


                        theres a difference between afk farming and active farming


                          Tread switching


                            Normal skill zwaywop talking. If you hit the 20 min mark you should be atleast at 8cs/min. After 25 min it should be 10 cs min. Thats how am works. Greetings from a 4k-4.5k am player. if u check any decnt AM players AM games: They never finish below 10cs/min.


                            Min 25 it should be manta, bf, vanguard (or vlads) you missout 1 item, cuz bad.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              well everyone who said that my cs is bad i agree 100% but tell me when u guys play AM is there a support that stacks for u
                              does ur support auto attack the creeps non stop ???
                              supports in this shitty tier dont know even how to pull -.-
                              and if u tell me to support who should i support a fucking weaver builds echo saber or maybe fucking sven building dragon lance ?

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                In most games nobody stacks for me. I just aim for 50-70cs in the first 10 min. Depending on lane and game vang or battlefury first and after bf just madfarm. Occasionaly join fights. Outfarm enemy, overwhelm them with items. Works most of the time.

                                If I have a 1v1 offlane i sent support away. Most offlaners can't do shit vs AM in a 1v1 situation. Just burn their mana, and you are fine.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  ? I dont mind havung lanes being fucked up by supports auto attacking cause I level up stats early givung me way more damgae for last hitting and good hp to tank enemy hits when lane is not in equilibrium.. and am is not about lh early game in normal skill bracket, he is good at abusing bad positioning of enemies early game which translates to ez kills


                                    and just potato farm until a clash breaks out.. never join the clash instead tp or go to another lane which is pushed out and push.. chances are they would not notice the push since they are concentrated in winning the team fight and you push too fast but you should also keep in mind the creep spawn time to advance kill them so thst ur creeps dont have to'stop attacking the tower (creep spawn time every 30 secs.. just estimate their location when walking)

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      well i always find my self in 2 1 2 game and the support i have is some one who auto attacks the creeps making it harder to last hit and they dont harass the offlaner if u want to see my best record there u go :
                                      could have been better if veng didnt take my lh early game an put some harassment on their offlaner
                                      could have been better if i had some stacks early on
                                      that the best i can do and it still so bad :(



                                        340 LH in a 56 min game.


                                        236 LH in a 43 min game.

                                        You are just bad at farming. AM is all about the ability to farm. Farm faster and you will win more games. Basically you need to double you farmspeed. Thats all. You do not get stacks even in 4k. That is simply not happening. If a venge can "steal" your lasthits (its stuipid indeed), you suck at lasthitting. You have such a low bat. Venge shouldnt be able to do anything about your lh.

                                        My goal as AM is to hit the 10/cs min mark asap. If I have 50 lh at 10 min mark, its bad. 70 is good. If I have 80 lh at 15 min mark its bad, 120 is good. At min 25 I want to have at least 220 LH. You need to set benchmarks. Just play more AM and you will get a feeling for it. Farming patterns, timings etc.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          thanks mate :D

                                          lm ao

                                            My usual objective playing as am:

                                            By 30 min i should have already at least 300 last hits, best time to fight with all the levels and gold after your afk fatm xD

                                            lm ao

                                              This is the biggest problem of normal skill, you force teamfights even if you have a significant xp didadvantage or if you want to retaliate for a fallen teammate who died because he had no map awareness.

                                              Its really bad, just please retreat to your towers if they have more crowd control (which means better teamfight)

                                              Wait for your enemies to make mistakes, thats where comebacks usually start


                                                I have this same idea^^
                                                Is it enough? Check out tower dmg

                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                  AM for me is pretty hard to play. Juggernaut is more better for me than AM coz his healing ward (for early RS or clash) or omnislash helps your team all the time. Both can jungle very fast. AM is more stronger in the late game though.


                                                    Watching M-God playing AM

                                                    Mike Wazowski..!

                                                      OP don't complain about supports not stacking..and about you not being able to outlasthit a venge..
                                                      Take this game.. Enigma jungle, our only support..the magnus came to lane with me and used his 1st skill to last hit..and I was against a rubick-slark-wd trilane..I died like 5 times in lane I think, and got a 25 minute bfury..because my jungle was used by enigma..but I managed to win the game coz I fought a lot.. So don't blame supports..there is no support who has more damage than a quelling blade AM, except treant maybe..then you're fucked.. And no one is gonna stack for you in a pub..get over aren't 6k..



                                                        Its all the same shit in 4k games. We had clearly no teamfight lineup against phoenix and tide, and they still started going 4v5 feeding the sven. Instead they should have split up and push the lanes. Our pickup was way better, your splitpush was way better. But beyond the 30 min mark ppl start to clump and they will hate on you for not joining their stuipidity.


                                                          If u pick AM ill go for doom + lich offlane and shit on your 10/cs min.

                                                          lm ao

                                                            beesa :D


                                                              AM is my bane LUL I just can't get the hang of his carry potential.


                                                                *10 cs/min not 10/cs min .. sorry but this freaks me.

                                                                from a support on 3k yasp mmr (haven't played ranked yet):
                                                                -If I see you missing half of your LH, I will take some myself cuz it's better than letting all those gold going to waste
                                                                -I will only stack if you are competent or some1 asks for it to rush certain item
                                                                -You know that supports have more to do than babysitting you, right? Mid/offlane sometimes need help when they get dived and wards don't get placed by itself


                                                                  ^ Maybe worry about your shit gameplay rather than slash in wrong place ?

                                                                  3k unranked = 2k ranked.

                                                                  Stealing last hits is retarded. Only if u are 100% sure carry cant get this single one.


                                                                    the 10 cs/min is not as important than "where" and "when" do u farm.. it would just hurt ur team more if u r just farming in the jungle while your team is forced on a 4v5 clash.. map awareness is one of the most important parts in playing the hero amd decision making on him is not as easy as playing the blink in yolo PA

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      Yes, if carry can't get that LH, i will try to get it, is it wrong?


                                                                        People usually afk farms as anti mage but key of anti mage is teamfights in early/mid game am can help to kite enemy carry and kill supports in backline with mana void and everyone knows what am does in later stages but it doesnt mean fight everywhere wait your enemy to make positioning mistake and fight or get out from fight and split push.
                                                                        And if you re playing anti-mage try to get every last hit in lane and go farm jungle even in laning stage because it will give you way more gold/exp and help your support to get some extra gold/exp as well if want to see my am plays search rapier gaming in dotabuff cuz its not my main account.


                                                                          @plejk nothings wrong about it but that would just decrease ur chance of winning since most of carry auto picks babyrages after seeing their support tryng to lasthit and they might just throw


                                                                            and am is one of those heroes that is able to build any item in the game so dont get stuck on 1st item bf to manta and stuff.. be free to have item builds which suits against ur enemy like having vanguard early against bs or wr to survive early and other stuff


                                                                              amd what's up with the rate my am... am games are better rated based on in game performance rather than statistical since he is one of the heroes like alchemist which could go 800 gpm/xpm but had no impact on the game or whatsoever


                                                                                i think i improved a little bit
                                                                       can u rate this match ?


                                                                                  I wont rate your matches. Watch replays on your own. You still farm too slowly.