General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to actually get 5k/VHS bracket in SEA server.

How to actually get 5k/VHS bracket in SEA server. in General Discussion

    First of all i will like to say this, im not a 5k player myself but im getting closer about 145 mmr away from 5k and honestly im pretty sure ill get it in a week's time. What ive been doing for the past week made me realized getting 5k isnt as hard as everyone thinks it is, its just that imo SEA players dont have the urge to win like what ive observed from players from other servers. Examples......
    1) 80% of players in 4k bracket loves picking cores such as mid/ carry and some really unreasonable offlanes example-pudge when they know they cant carry for shit and depend too much on the other players on the team and blames the sup most of the time. Come on, if you can't carry let others carry and play sup we dont play to lose cause of your inability to carry( im an all role player).
    2) the people who random heroes 1st 2nd pick and request for swaps if they dont know the hero( self explanatory)
    3) people who pick support and dont get wards and instead leaves buying all the ward to the other sup or gets pissed off/keeps quiet when the other sups ask for wards. If you pick sup and dont buy wards you might as well not pick sup then and waste our time.
    4) hero testing in ranked matches (self explanatory)
    5) Refusing to listen to actual advice given and continues doing some stupid shit thats going to cost the game for your team example-farming when you're suppose to be pushing because the game cannot be dragged which will result in a loss.
    That's about everything ive observed from SEA players(aside from all the things stated above you actually need to know basic stuff ex- dos and donts in every situation) i dont know if this helps in other servers all i know is most SEA players in 4k bracket do most of the things stated above and not actually try to win. On a side note, to all you account buyers out there in SEA do us a favor and actually farm the mmr yourself and not be a piece of shit, thanks.

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      helll yeahhh, sad but true


        How to get 4k with sf


          about p.5 - why shall others listen to ur advice if you are just as bad in this game as they are? u r not like a 7k mmr player in a 5.5 average game; i suppose everyone in ur matches is pretty close to ur rating.


            Cose mmr is not proof of ones skill/IQ, one 4k can be a lot lot worse than another 4k, and so on...


              we may be in the same rating but we could have different levels of judgement? look at this game the slardar was a 5.3k who is higher than me by 500 mmr and he took my safe lane, ill tell you what he did the entire game. blamed the team the entire game when he had no back up when he dives and we clearly told him not to yet he still went instead.

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                  Git gud i guess lol im just a casual sf player dont ask me.


                    Legit af.


                      @fully tryhard
                      it is ur opinion that you posess a higher level of judgment and a better decision-making; players you get matched with do not have to share your attitude. most likely, they see you same way you do see them - worse player(s) that have to be told what to do.

                      selective memory is a real thing, too.