General Discussion

General DiscussionITT: heroes you play a lot but have shit winrate

ITT: heroes you play a lot but have shit winrate in General Discussion

    Provide excuses for your pitiful performance.

    I can start with pudge and tinker. No idea how to play when I started, in recent games have a pretty respectable winrate with them but can't make up that deficit.


      Windranger because I played that hero as support for the most part; still trying to make it to more than 60% winrate tho!


        Good luck! I love windrunner, it's so damn satisfying to hit the insane shackles or powershots.

        Swap Commends

          My team holds me back.simple

          Fee Too Pee

            Legion commander. Look at my recent games as her. Suddenly I forgot how to play LC lately


              Invoker. Idk my team always being feeder when i play it


                Lion. I have played a lot of games with him and have an embarassing winrate of 36%. Most prolly I'm playing him wrongly, too passive of me maybe.


                  Invoker and Windrunner. In my defense I can say, that I had no clue how to play Kael when I first started, but I was eager to get better. So now I have to fix that goddamn winrate of his...
                  And I mostly played support/offlane WR, which obviously didn't work out well.

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                    is 47% that bad?

                    generally its the opposite for me, as you get lower on my most played it gets shitty.

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                    Livin' Real Good

                      Wind Ranger and Lina, I almost exclusively played them support for many patches, I feel like i'm 3x better with them than the stats show because of that.

                      NightStalker and Legion too, I just can't win with them anymore, i had a 60% win rate on both of them not too long ago, every games goes to shit with them, even in shitty pubs. I have no excuse for them though, but WR and Lina, yup, a legit excuse.

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                        I got 93.75% on 16 games on am just because I cant reconnect after server disconnected me and I got an abbadon kappa 4head

                        Pale Mannie

                          Slardar with 36% winrate

                          I try to be aggressive but my team cant hold with me up and end up feeding OR my team cant handle their aggression and everyone ends up feeding the enemy

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                          Professor Dog

                            Np. Cliff jungle.


                              i spammed am during my first 300 match


                                Bristleback, guess where he is now in my pick?

                                Barely picked any more cause I suck at farm.


                                  Visage, we wreck the enemy early game because of #VisageThings. But late game we just lose, my team tends to not play with our advantage and take the game too long, and because Visage transitions terribly in the late game.


                                    storm spirit. 80% of games i win mid but then their fkin slark is snowballing hard


                                      This truly is the douche detector thread most responses blame teammates for shitty win rates. if your response was similar you're a douche.


                                        Lol mine is tiny , started out sucking with him then became mediocre and now I suck with him again .


                                          I blamed volvo and server so I dodged that :)

                                          Optimus Drip

                                            Everything that ain't axe or techies: nothing else is cancer enough

                                            Execute Order 322

                                              Whenever i picked OD back in 6.86 I got shittiest team in the world and games were ridiculously onesided even when my performance was far more than decent
                                              for ex:

                                              And there were a lot of games when I was doing fine early game but ended up with a very low kda cuz we were spawn-killed near the fountain or just were not able to win any single teamfight because when these fights occured the enemies already were far ahead in gold and exp

                                              And it looks that now the same shit is happening with my tinker. Just look at these games:
                                     - this one is my "favourite"


                                                ember spirit and invoker

                                                i always throw on ember in some sort of shitty itemization

                                                and invoker
                                                EULS COMBO > THROW


                                                  i random everygame.


                                                    Zeus is a hero I couldnt win with at his peak. Terrorblade, tinker, rubick and skywrath are heroes I didnt win with too.

                                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                                      OD last patch. Maybe im really bad idk. The hero just felt underwhelming in teamfights without a few stuns.

                                                      Learning new hero

                                                        Void. Dunno how to play him

                                                        Optimus Drip

                                                          Would you say you playing him is like having a VOID on the tem?


                                                            AM. 12 lose streaks. It's not about farming patterns etc, I can farm, I just can't imagine his opening windows for pushing/manfighting.

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                                                                just can't snowball with him

                                                                House Cat

                                                                  weaver and PA :( I just can't hard carry. I play weaver beyond 40 mins it's gg for me


                                                                    Drow, most of my drow games are drow jungle maelstrom aghs games for the lols!