General Discussion

General DiscussionI dont understand how im getting Very High Skill or High skill or Nor...

I dont understand how im getting Very High Skill or High skill or Normal Skill. Can anyone give me an answer please... in General Discussion

    any tricks how to get high skill or very high skill?

    Best Treant EU

      you have 47% wr. that means u perform below average in ur mmr range. currently u are a burden for ur teammates. u need to play more to gain experience and increase ur impact in ur games -> k/d/a ratio, gpm, xpm, tower damage, heal,


        theres no tricks, you just have to have really good stats in your games to get in high skill or very high skill, or just play ranked and get above 3.4k mmr i think

        Golgotha (BudiPametan)

          Actually learning to play is the best trick.


            or buy account xD


              @Mulatschak thats easy for you to say who had very high skill even in his very first games...

              Lord Mushroom

                Why does people think that having fucking very high skill make them better players. I meet better players in my low 3k rankeds than in very high skill pubs.

                Golgotha (BudiPametan)

                  @fxmarc0 That's because game determined that he deservers VHS while for you it did not and that's the reality. If you keep thinking that you are losing because of teammates or whatever exuse you can find you won't ever climb.

                  @Floki So maybe someone has a good game at 3k, somebody has a bad game at let's say 4k, and you assume that the 3ker is better? MMR is there for a reason, your or anyones opinion of someone's skill based on 1 game doesn't really affect that.

                  Best Treant EU

                    @fxmarc0 i was vhs with first game, because this is my smurf, which i somehow like to play more than my main haha.. in my experience smurfs start at about the mmr what ur main has.

                    this is my main: -> 4,9k mmr

                    this is my first account in dota 2:

                    but i played dota 1 for a while, so thats why i jumped from normal to vhs in one game. i ended up between hs and vhs with this account. i played much worse than in dota 1 because the different graphics and map design was hard to get used to at beginning. i had problems with last hitting and i didn't knew the concept of carry/support/offlaner or to pull creeps at that time, because me and my friends were just playing for fun in dota 1. Everyone last hittet in lane and we played every hero as carry :). good old times

                    i dunno how the system really works, but it includes a lot of aspects of gameplay it seems. just work on ur impact of games.