General Discussion

General DiscussionJust won an unwinable game with a troll sven.

Just won an unwinable game with a troll sven. in General Discussion

    The match in question just happened recently. You see, we were minding our own busniess getting ready to play and such, till this sven doesn't go to the rune. When we asked why he didn't go to the rune with us, he told us, "reported" and proceeded to focus on blocking the radiant bottom tower creep waves.

    When I went bot to help him block it, he pinged me and said "reported" and I asked why. He said "Fucking fail gg" and proceed to farm fuck all in a lane. After I died to the axe, (He thinks that his E blocks axe's spin still, and probably does to this very day,) I went top with necro and we made a mess with their slark. Once sven died however, he just sat in the fountain, waiting for 4 mins to pass by, then go to our jungle and kill a single creep, the go back into the fountain.

    Zeus and I were compeletly down on the thing. Thinking, "Yeah this sven has given up after dying once, now he's gonna keep us trapped here till the end of the game."

    We were having a couple of bad fights till SK got a blink and said, "Alrigh let's do this." We were behind like 10 kills if I remember correclty till SK and Necro got their blink/mek. We were taking fights 2/4.

    When Slark got bkb, we thought it was over again, but we got him with a good reaper sycthe after kiting him for a good 10 seconds and killed him and the rest of his team. We got 2 towers, I got aghs and then the fights came to life.

    Us 4 became kiting masters. Pipe to save us, greaves and death pulse to heal us. Our teamfight was godlike compared to theirs. After winning a fight against their team with an Aegis slark, Sven came back and just told the enemy team that it was all him.

    9 reports later, and dire throne destroyed, Sven is in LP and I got a report back. The moral is to:


      Sven is the real mvp

      Free 2 Play Scootz

        It's was clearly a tactical afk to let you guys get more exp


          ^ Yeah sure, i believe that. That's why he told me to go die in a fire, and said hope you guys lose.

          Also called me a redditor. I take offense to that. Halolzian, all the way.

          Sleight of My Fist In You...

            lol all your sven did was afk????

            people including me have won games with people feeding themselves gems wards cours glyph and you get a sven that does nothing inadvertently providing you all with more gold and exp from farm and so you come on here and writing up a wall and patting yourself on the back like you just came back from 50k net worth diff

            sad stuff


              You guys are so cool


                It's more a moral victory than a networth victory. Shows even in the darkest time, you can still win your games 4v5 even if they afk person was your hard carry.

                I think out of the almost 4k games that I've played, this is the first game that this happened with a troll. He was trying to throw the game, and tried to make us wait there till we started losing all of our stuff, but our team pulled through without his help.

                Yeah sure, people keep feeding other people in other games, but that's a lot harder to come buy and it's not a dime a dozen situation.

                And plus, in most cases there's a 50k net difference, you probably given up already.

                Sleight of My Fist In You...

                  lmao this kid here thinks that an afk player is the 'darkest time' dont SEA do you?


                    Normal skill sea smurf trying to flame a high skill player with almost 4k games ._. lovin this thread


                      No, I don't SEA. Why would I want to go to arguably one of the worst servers in all of dota 2?

                      Moon Moon

                        I congratulate you :) These games are rare, but they exist. Thanks for sharing.


                          what u talking are normal day. feeling good? bet you gonna suicide when try SEA


                            Yeah I can only take so much idiocy before my brain implodes.

                            I take way too much of a lethal dose here in the US servers.

                            D the Superior
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